Personality psychology

 Running Head: PSYCHOLOGY 1
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Personality psychology
Personality is the sum total of an individual’s characteristics that defines that particular
individual. These characteristics influence an individual’s behaviors, emotions and cognition.
They determine an individual’s reaction to a given stimulus or environment (Larsen & Buss,
2013). Personality traits or characteristics also influence an individual’s reaction to other
individuals and determines one’s attitudes, ambitions and values. They also determine an
individual’s perception of the different concepts within that individual’s environment. The traits
accord to an individual his or her uniqueness considering that different persons behave
differently even under similar or different circumstances.
There are various theories that attempt to explain the different aspects of traits exhibited
by different individuals. Some theories propose that the exhibited traits emerge from within the
individual while some are of the opinion that the environment in which an individual resides
determines or influences that individual personality. Others assert that personality traits are
inherited from an individual’s parents. The different theories have their weaknesses and strengths
depending on the aspects being studied of an individual person in relation to that particular
person’s environment.
Case study: Mohammed Ali (Cassius Clay)
This paper shall examine Mohammed Ali who was born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. He
was a popular, famous and controversial American Heavy Weight Professional Boxer. Born on
the 17th of January 1942 Ali is considered the best heavy weight boxer in the sport’s history
(Edmonds, 2006). He is also regarded as one of the most famous sports personality of the
century. Sports Illustrated magazine recognized him as the “sports man of the century” in 1999
and the British Broadcasting Corporation announced him as the sports personality of the century. 
Ali was not only influential and controversial in the boxing ring, but was also an ardent activist.
He exemplified his values, ideas and thoughts in the social and political aspects of his society.
He also expressed freely and publicly his ideas and thoughts on religion.
Mohammed Ali or rather Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. was born in Kentucky specifically in
Louisville. He was the first born son of Odessa and Cassius Clay Senior. As a young boy, Ali
was extremely assertive and aggressive. His mother Odessa Clay described Ali as an unusual
child. He tried really hard at everything he put himself to do. At a tender age of 10 months, Ali
had already begun speaking after persistent attempts. He never stopped talking since then. At two
years old, he was trying and insisting to feed himself. Ali also had a habit of drawing clothes
from his drawer and leaving them sprawling on the floor. He was very outgoing and never used
to play with toys; rather, he would go tree climbing and other physical activities. He also
preferred playing with elder children and even then, wanted to be on the forefront. Ali portrayed
some leadership qualities and an outgoing spirit at a very young age. He always wanted to be on
the limelight and was also extremely protective of his ideals. For instance, he never allowed his
mother to whip his younger brother Rudolph. Whenever the mother tried doing so, Ali would
assertively and authoritatively push his mother way and warn her to desist from hitting his
“baby”, as he referred to his younger brother (Edmonds, 2006).
Ali was introduced to boxing not because he was interested in the sport, but rather as
direct consequence of an unfortunate event that occurred in 1954. Ali and his friend had visited
the Columbia Auditorium when his bike was stolen. Ali was infuriated and went to report the
matter to the Louisville police department. Ali and his friend reported the theft to Joe martin who
doubled up as a police man and a boxing coach. Ali infuriatingly affirmed to Martin that he who
would “whup” up whoever had stolen his bike. Martin advised him to train boxing first in order 
to be in a position to do so (Edmonds, 2006). He went ahead and joined a boxing club where he
got encouraged by his win in his first match and went on to win coveted titles in Kentucky. He
also won an Olympic gold medal and a world title at still under 20 years.
Ali, influenced by the renowned civil rights activists and Muslim minister Malcolm X,
renounced his Baptist upbringing and joined the Nation of Islam. He converted to Islam and
changed his name from Cassius Clay to Mohammed Ali. It is also during this period that he
became a professional boxer and civil rights activist at the same time. He was known at issuing
statements unrelated to boxing, lashing out at the government or institutions that he considered
violating his ideals and those of the society he lived in. He could also l 

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