Table of contents
Introduction	3
Project selection method	3
Project initiation process group	3
Stakeholder identification and communication	3
Strategic objective	4
Project work statement	4
Service delivery and scope	5
Project deliverables	5
Acceptance criteria	5
Project assumption and constraints	5
Exclusion	6
Risk management	6
Function development, interface design and testing of the prototype	6
First build release	7
Publishing or launching on the app store	7
Maintenance and support	7
Conclusion	7
Reference List	9
Project Management Body of Knowledge or PMBOK provides with guidelines and standards to define the project lifecycle, effective project management strategies and practices. As per this standard, every project has five different project management process groups starting from initial, planning till closing. In this study, focus has been given on exploring initial documents required to successfully select the project of new UBER app development. For this, the project initiation process group has been given the priority.
UBER App case study
Project selection method
Project initiation process group
This process group mentioned in the guide of PMBOK is all about processes like identifying stakeholder, ways to communicate with them, and development of project charter. In this charter, details about the project like planned phases, project scope, strategic objective, project constraints, and deliverables are mentioned. As per the ideas of Kerzner & Kerzner (2017), this process group consists of processes that are required to define a new project or incorporate a new phase to an existing project. 
Keeping this and the idea to further update app of UBER in mind, it can be mentioned that this project would allow customers to communicate easily with the drivers even in a crowded place. Also, use of spotlight would be fruitful for both passengers as well as drivers to spot each other (Grothaus, 2018). This would therefore, be considered as the first feature to be updated in the existing app besides sending text messages to the drivers. Based on the initiating project group, the first phase of this project would be to prepare a project charter which would contains every minute details about project scope, features, constraints, and risk management. Next to this, desired stakeholders would be determined who will assist the project manager to successfully execute the project.
Stakeholder identification and communication 
Key stakeholders	Role 	Importance or priority	Communication media
Passengers 	●	They decide profitability and sales of service
●	They are and would be the ones who avail services in exchange of payment 	1	●	Customer service team
●	Email 
Drivers (referred as partners by UBER)	●	Heart of service as they are responsible for success of the business
●	Interaction with passengers on a regular basis	1	●	Email
●	Face-to-face
Investors 	●	Would support innovation and technological advancement within the business with their investment
●	Funding would make it easy to adopt features like that of Spotlight 	2	●	Face-to-face
●	Email 
●	Report on project progress
Regulators 	●	Would investigate on viability of planned features
●	They would ensure compliance with regulatory frameworks	3	●	Electronic document 

Strategic objective
One of the foremost strategic objectives behind this project is to contribute towards brand image and make it convenient for the customers to find their drivers without much effort. Similarly, use of Spotlight would allow drivers to spot their passengers without causing much delay in their journey. In conjunction to this, offering user friendly services to all would be another strategic objective and for this, “send message” feature has been planned to be included (inspired from the ideas of Hornstein, 2015).
Project work statement
Work statement of this project is that new features to be added are expected to be helpful also for the drivers as sending message would ensure providing extra details thereby making it easy to pickup.
Service delivery and scope 
It has been analyzed that often drivers fails to pick up passengers when the pickup location is crowded. As a result of this, delay in the journey occurs thereby making it inconvenient for the customers. This is evident from the fact that Uber witnessed net loss of $4.5 million in the year 2017 due to difficulty in identifying exact location of passenger as well as delay in reaching the pickup location (Khosrowshahi, 2018). Therefore, scope of this project is that with use of the new updated app, passengers can experience better service and can therefore, be termed as an user friendly app. Rasmussen & Hall (2016) further added that use of the innovative concept, Spotlight would make it easy to detect passengers even during nighttime or in an over-crowded place. Sending some extra details by messaging can help drivers to easily ide 

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