Project Activity Timelines

Topic: Project Activity Timelines
Paper Type: Coursework
Word Count: 2600 words
Pages: 10 pages
Referencing Style: Harvard Referencing
Educational Level: Masters
Project Activity Timelines
[Writer’s Name]
[Institute’s Name]
Project Activity Timelines
A timeline of project management is a document that establishes the timeline for a project
to benefit project managers and others involved in need to know about the deadlines and planned
activities. Developing a timeline is a very important part of the planning process. When a project
timeline appears again in post-mortem to determine if the project is kept on track, causing
deviations, and how they could solve problems in the future. We can vary the level of complexity
in a timeline of project management. It is also possible to have multiple timelines. It can provide
insight to important landmarks, while a breakdown of the lines is smaller topics relevant to
certain groups of people. In housing, for example, the general timeline could cover the
permitting process, breaking the floor, framing and other events of great buildings (James, 2007).
Crews will receive their own individual timelines of project management so they know what is
expected of them and when.
Software project management often has a timeline feature. The Project Manager develops
plans, can be slotted into the timeline segment of the program, which also can be easily adjusted
as changes develop. For example, two events can be reduced to two weeks apart so they move
together if something moves or delays the first event, to keep the timeline proportional project
management level and accurate information on the project schedule (James, 2007).
In the course of a project, the project manager can use the timeline for planning, ordering
and other activities. When events occur, may be marked on the timeline of project management.
If a delay occurs, it can be observed, and notes can include a discussion of the nature of the delay
and catch-up options. For example, reductions in a target area to hit a target will result in overall
delay of the project. As the timeline of project management is aimed at companies and industrial 
uses, it can also be useful for time management improvement projects in small children in the
house (Reiss, 2007). Start planning before the end can save time by creating a framework that
allows for tracking and anticipating needs. For example, someone working on a bathroom
remodel needs to know when new sanitary equipment must arrive and when to order supplies
diverse as lamps so that they can fit into the project.
The Knowledge phase of Time management mainly refers to tools, techniques and skills
deployed in managing time while performing specific goals and projects. In order to run the
Project in efficient time, the project manager must understand the Project activities and
encompass the skills required to schedule, plan, Control and monitor the Project Timeline (Reiss,
2007). Apart from this, Project Management software can be used to better evaluate and measure
the time. The 4 steps will help in managing the overall project duration.
Defining activities: The Project activities, milestones and tasks required in completion of
project must be defined properly. The definition for each task must be provided and then details
as the project goes on. This can be done through use of Gantt Charts that will outline the entire
project. The focus here is on the Project time required to complete the project rather than dates
(Adedeji, 2009).
Sequence of Activities: After defining all the activities, the activities will be sequenced
in order. The activities will be placed in logical manner and connections will be shown for those
activities that are interrelated. After sequencing, the dependencies for each activity will be
assigned as any activity can be only started after the completion of one or two previous activities.
For example, if the project is based on the creating a website, than development stage will be
started after designing the website. The activity of design is considered as a prerequisite for the 
development activity. If the actual time in the design stage exceeds the budgeted time then
development activity will start late then the expected time (Adedeji, 2011).
Estimation of activity resources: This is considered as the most difficult steps. It is
mandatory to assess the demand and supply of each resource in terms of manpower & Finance
and how it relates to our project. The resources will be assessed to check whether additional
resources need to deploy for completion of project at assigned time. After the individuals are
assigned with their Tasks, than gain dependencies will be checked based on the allocation of
resources. The activities might be overlapped, than we will deploy extra resources or accept to
raise the project timeline due to resource dependencies (Huajun, 2010).
Develop and Control Prog 

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