Public Relations Situation

 Public Relations Situation
Today, an America Airline captain collapsed just before the aircraft could land. The co-pilot took over and safely landed the plane. The pilot was rushed to the hospital where after diagnosis, it was learned that he had suffered from a fatal heart attack. All passengers arrived safely, but we are unsure whether the public is aware of the situation (Gaines-Ross, 2008).

Definition of the Problem

If not handled appropriately, the situation would impact negatively to the airline once it becomes known to the public (Sen, 2008). The airline could lose a significant number of customers and even scare away new ones. Losing customers would lower the profit earned by the company hence this should be prevented at all cost.

Information Available

            The station manager believes that all the passengers left the terminal without discussing matters about the incident with the press. We are however not certain whether the passengers already talked to the press or if they will do so soon (James, 2006).

Separating Certainties from Uncertainties

            The organization is uncertain about the public reactions after the incident comes to light. Some individuals may say they don’t feel safe traveling with American Airlines based on the reason that we have an aging workforce who can easily fall ill anytime during a flight (Anthonissen, 2008). Others may claim that our pilots do not undergo physical exams often. The customers would doubt our abilities to maintain our planes and the whole workforce. We are however sure that we could be able to avert the situation if we handled it accordingly (Griffin, 2008).

            Different approaches may be used to address the situation. The organization could assume the situation never got known and act like it never happened. A press conference could also be organized immediately to reveal to the public about the incident and to comfort them by telling them all is well because all passengers arrived safely (Anthony & Anthony, 2000). I could also create some time for the situation to calm down by sending thee CEO on an impromptu business trip and claiming that no comments can be made till the CEO is back. I could also organize a press conference and give statements focusing on the heroic activities of the co-pilot who landed the plane safely.

Plausibility and Consistency of the Approaches

            Assuming that the public never got information about the incident is quite dangerous. If the opposite of the assumption were true, the public would be irked. The company would face significant criticism for withholding such vital information from the public (James, 2006). The customers would doubt the accountability and transparency of the company and lose their trust in it. American Airline’s reputation would be tarnished. Customers would feel unsafe, and the company would lose their loyalty (Austin & Pinkleton, 2000). The company would, therefore, lose clients and hence end up making losses. In addition, false rumors and accusations would grow around the company’s name which the company would never be able to clear off.

             Organizing an impromptu business trip for the CEO would be of give a chance for things to calm down but it would not solve the problem at hand (Anthonissen, 2008). After the CEO is gone and back, a press conference would still be essential to make things clear to the public.

Organizing a press conference either to discuss the heroic activity of the copilot or to assure the public of the safety of all the passengers would do the company great advantage (Anthony & Anthony, 2000). First, the information would reach numerous people through the newspaper blogs, magazines, TV news broadcasts hence American Airline would never be accused of withholding information from the public. Secondly, a press conference would also give the company a platform to address any doubts that the public has about the competency of the company (Griffin, 2008).

Some elements have to be considered when addressing the situation.

Goals and Objectives

The primary purpose of taking action in this situation is to maintain the company’s reputation. The company wants to own up for its mistakes and assure the public that it will correct them.

A Clear Execution Plan

The company has to come up with a clear and practical tactics and strategies that will help the company manage the situation effectively. American Airlines has to organize how the actual information from the company will reach the public either through newspapers, articles or blogs. The company should ensure that the information from the company reaches the majority of the public before false rumors start to spread (Gregoire, 1966).

The Public

The public reactions should be the most important aspect that should be considered. Every word that is said during the press conference or by any employee of American Airways should be analyzed first for it 

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