Public Service Broadcasting

    Public Service Broadcasting
  The Public Service Broadcasting is a form of media broadcast intended to benefit the public instead of purely serving the commercial interest. The communication societies in different countries normally require that specific radio stations, as well as the television, should meet some requirements in order to obtain licenses for wider broadcasting. For example, the British Broadcasting Corporation's radio and television stations possess' public service remit and this is attributed to those stations that even broadcast in the digital platform (Cushion 2012, p.47). The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a paradigm of the Public Service Corporation that is exclusively financed by the license fee and in most cases; it does not sell the advertising time. It is one of the first Public Service Broadcaster in the United Kingdom. There are many concepts applied in the Public Service Broadcast, these concepts define the mission of this magnificence media company as the informative, educator, and the entertainer in the global perspective. In most cases, the Public Service Broadcast are controlled by the government institutions and there is a level of domestic coverage that is placed by the government in order to facilitate the public good in education, entertainment, and the spread of information. Following the launch of the ITV in the 1950s, the government placed strict rules that enabled the broadcasters to put their emphasis on the domestic coverage (Cushion 2012, p.42). In several occasion, the local activities aired by the Public Service Broadcasters normally include cultural activities like religious and arts programming, local education system, and several cultural practices that encourage social growth. Most of the Public Service Broadcasts are owned by the government institutions and this explains why the government has the absolute control over them. There are some of the stations that are mainly formed for different purposes, to encourage the local culture, to enhance education or to support the public in acquiring information for different activities. The paper describes the roles of the Public service Broadcast in relaying information and all its components as well as whether it is relevant in the modern media system. 
          The Public Broadcast Corporation as an institution includes television, radio, and various electronic media outlets that have a primary objective in the public service (Hendy 2013, p.22). The funding for these institutions usually comes from the government ministries specifically from the yearly fees obtained from the receivers. In the case of the United States, the public broadcasters may also receive the additional funds from the state and the federal government. The funding for these media houses may also come from well-wishers, private businesses. The public broadcasting may be operated both internationally and locally, and this greatly depends on the station and the country in where it is based. The Public Broadcasting is operated by the single organizations that are usually given full responsibility by the government, in some cases, the governments usually give it out as a contract where the best bidder to control of the entire responsibility of all the operations of these media houses (Henry 2007, p.51). On the other hand, there are some countries that possess manifold public broadcasting corporations that operate in diverse languages or regionally. For instance, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) operates in different languages across the world. There is BBC Swahili that mostly attracts listeners and viewers for the East African region where Swahili is a native language. When the regional branches of the Public Broadcasting are established, there is always a target to promote the cultural aspect of those regions through the use of the native language in airing several cultural aspects (Sjøvaag Moe and Stavelin 2012, p.39). In the past, the public broadcasting dominated many forms of media broadcast in several countries except in the United States where there were several media houses due to the early adoption of the freedom of media. In the modern times, the commercial broadcasting has expanded their operations in many countries around the world. The number of countries that solely depended on the public broadcasting dropped solely towards the end of 20th century (Hendy 2013, p.22). The public Service Broadcasting Corporation is meant to uphold the socio-cultural values that are important for a specific society. It is common knowledge that human values are valued by different societies across the world. Social integration is a common factor that every government wants to achieve in the current global social set-up, and it is through the Public Service Corporation that these needs can be achieved. The social inclusiveness is usually brought about by the media companies and this is an essential element that is part of the Publ 

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