Quality of Service (QoS) for Web Services

 Literature Review
Existing literature on the quality of service (QoS) for web services revolve around
a number of themes. These topical themes constituted the basis for the organisation of
this review. First theme is the concept or idea of quality of service that covers what is
quality of service and its development in the context of web services and the application
or process of using quality of service in web services. Second theme covers the
importance of quality of service in web services by identifying reasons or justifications
for the engagement in quality of service. Third theme covers the issues faced by firms
engaging in quality of service and the problems experienced by end-users of web services
integrated with quality of service. Fourth theme is the measures and the processes of
assessing web service quality through quality of service. Literature relevant to the study
provides a framework for the study and identifies areas requiring further investigation.
Quality of Service (QoS) for Web Services
O’Sullivan, Edmond and Hofstede (2002) explained that web services are like
other types of services having inadequate standards for use in providing an accurate
description of the various facets of the service. Service standards are important because
these are the factors used by service consumers as bases for actual purchasing decisions.
Without sufficient service standards, consumers interested in engaging web services find
it difficult to derive the information they need in making the decision because there is no
clear means of comparing alternative service providers, alternative networking systems,
and benefits to users. In this service environment, web service quality and web customer
satisfaction are difficult to measure.  

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