Reading 12

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Reading 12
Reading 12
Teachers need to consider the academic abilities of their learners before determining the
most appropriate reading materials for them. They should therefore design learning materials in
relation to their significance to the learners in question. The grade of interest in this case is Grade
4 and the children’s book of interest is Gulliver’s Travel by Jonathan Swift. The choice of this
book suits the specific needs, interests, and reading levels of the students in Grade 4. The book
has numerous advantages that qualify it as the most prerequisite text for the English lesson.
The first justification to prove that the reading is appropriate is its storyline. The storyline
of the book is chronological and exhaustive. The author considered this element of narration due
to its positive results in literature. The chronological flow of events in the book is motivational to
the reader. The reader is likely to be glued to the book while following the story closely. It
therefore implies that the reading attracts the reader’s attention. Grade 4 students still need
motivation as a driver of their interests in literature reading. The book therefore ascertains the
relevance of the lesson as regards to the motivation of learners.
The second attribute that makes the reading appropriate for teaching the lesson is its
descriptive nature. The author uses an exhaustive descriptive language to narrate the story
involving Gulliver and his encounters during the journey. Descriptive language allows the reader
to feel, smell, see, taste, and hear what is happening in the story. Students in Grade 4 can only
understand a text when extra descriptions are used in the story. The descriptive language that
Swift used in the text puts the students in Gulliver’s and hence making them lively and
enthusiastic. Additionally, the use of descriptive language element allows the reader to visualize
the setting, plot, and actions of the character that the author is describing. There are limited
techniques of fully attracting the attention of young audiences and hence it is the task of the 
author to use appropriate literary styles. However, the teacher needs to select the text that
conforms to the objectives of the lesson. The lesson plan should consist of elements that are
derivable from the text of interest.
The third factor that makes the text important is its simple vocabulary. The text lacks
complexity in both structure and content. It is therefore an easy to comprehend text. Its
comprehension marches with any learner in Grade 4 and below. It is fact that learners enjoy
reading texts that pose few complexities in terms of vocabulary and diction. Research indicates
that complex books with difficult vocabulary are usually hard to comprehend. The
comprehension difficulty also renders the book boring and less motivating from the reader’s
perspective. Close analysis of Gulliver’s Travels clearly indicates that the content is easy to read
and understand. The author’s choice of words is appropriate. There is the use of short structured
sentences that link the ideas and thus allowing the reader to gain the main theme and the flow of
the story. This tenet of literature is beneficiary especially to the fourth graders because it forms a
strong foundation for their future studies that will be higher in complexity.
Lesson Plans
The following are lesson plans for teaching phonics, phonological awareness, and oral reading
a. Phonics
Lesson Title &Subject(s): Literature/ reading
Topic or Unit of Study: Phonics
Grade/Level: 1
Instructional Setting: 50 students in the classroom
It is necessary to divide the 50 students into small groups that would enhance learning phonics.
The highest number of students in a given group should be five students. Lean groups sizes
enhance understanding of students as far as the effect of group discussions is concerned.
Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s):
English proficiency is the core student achievement standard.
Lesson Goals:
The main goal of the lesson is to enable students especially the beginning readers to decode new
words by reading them out. Additionally, the lesson aims at developing the learners’ ability of
hearing, identifying, and manipulating phonemes.
Lesson Objective(s):
The main objective is to achieve the most appropriate learning abilities to enhance students’
reading proficiency. The students will have to listen to specific sounds and redefine their
meanings. They should also be able to use the available resources to understand the concepts.
The lesson will facilitate students’ understanding of sounds and their spelling patterns. By the
end of the lesson, students should score at least 98% in reading proficiency.
Instructional Materials:

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