Reflective and Analytical Account of Work Involving Statutory Tasks and Processes

Paper: Essay
Style: Oxford
Pages: 17
Sources: 5
Level: Bachelor
Reflective Essay:
Reflective and Analytical Account of Work Involving Statutory Tasks and Processes
[Author’s Name]
[Institute Name]
Reflective and Analytical Account of Work Involving Statutory Tasks and Processes
This essay will look to reflect and provide analytical account of work carried out with my
placement which involves statutory tasks and processes by identifying key elements that apply to
the setting, provide definitions to the elements, how they apply as well as practiced in the setting,
analysing value issues that have arose upon reflection and finally making a link between
reflection on learning gained from the piece of work and its implication for future practice.
Our Policies are statements of intentions and actions that are meant to guide how a government,
a department, a service or an individual works or behaves. Policies and procedures are subject to
continuous development and review as they confide the statutory process for the practice. There
are also local processes that are not recorded or documented and the part of the
workplace/community service culture overtly.
Yeading Junior School is located in the London Borough of Hillingdon, which has over four
hundred pupils being the largest junior school in West London and the school is part of a ‘hub’
which is made up of four primary schools, two secondary schools and a special education
facility. Hillingdon is in Wave 6 of the national Building Schools for the Future (BSF)
programme for secondary schools in the south of the borough. This presents exciting potential
opportunities in terms of co-location of primary and secondary schools / cross-phase
Yeading Junior School is a community school which values its strong link with parents, local
organisations and the surrounding community through a community house. Yeading Junior
School is the extended schools hub for a collaborative group of 10 schools. There are 42
different ethnic groups speaking 37 languages at the school (Bucks new university,
2013).Seventy-eight per cent of pupils speak English as an additional language. The 
collaborative group has developed a wide network of community contacts and relationships and
has been able to access a range of funding to enable it to offer an extensive range of activities for
the welfare of the multi-ethnic society.
The history of the school as I have undertake to highlight the school’s status that Yeading Cluster
Schools House was formerly a caretaker’s residence, which has been converted into a ‘safe
space’ for parents. The house was conceived as a way of addressing the isolation and loneliness
experiences by many parents from diverse ethnic backgrounds. It offers a wide range of
activities, with regular sessions on health matters, weekly drop-in counselling sessions, a
parenting programme and a family support worker, education welfare officer and police liaison
officer. (Hillingdon Improvement Partnership, 2007)
The school has set itself towards the wide range of enhancement projects for the communities of
diverse cultures. The Head Teacher, Carole Jones, established a strong link with the educational
and community welfares to develop the core citizenship among the people minorities and
ethnicity. The purpose for such is to enhance the community engagement and cohesion to break
down the cross-cultural barriers and evolving the partnership between the school, parents and
children to build the high level of trust (What is Every Child Matters? 2010).
I have found out during my analysis that the Training and Development Agency for schools in
Hillingdon has a vast network of the special services for the schools which are dealing with the
variable cultures and their involvement the community (Hillingdon Improvement Partnership,
2007). The major project (Transforming Lives, Extended services personal impact stories) has
been developed in the year 2009 (What is Every Child Matters? 2010), that I’ve closely observed
during my study at the placement setting, involved all of the primary and secondary schools and
even the special education schools from the community to bring about the improvement. The key 
elements, I’ve brought about to my account were, ‘How schools, school clusters and their
partners are using extended services to improve the life chances of children, families and
communities’ and the policies for the developments.
Among the statutory tasks for the positive relation-building the HIP (Hillingdon
Improvement Partnership, 2007) has set forth the policy of excellence cluster among the ethnic
groups. The policy entitled ‘Hillingdon Improvement Partnership’, The Hillingdon
Improvement Partnership commenced on 2002 as the Hillingdon Excellence Cluster. In 2006 the
member schools agreed to develop the cluster into an Education Improvement Partnership.
There are currently twenty five schools (twe 

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