Relationship between Knowledge Management, Organization Learning and HRM

 Relationship between Knowledge Management, Organization Learning and HRM
In this competitive business environment where every business organization is
trying to attract the customers of each other, it becomes essential for these
organizations to remain competitive by innovating new ideas and thoughts, so that
value added products and services can be provided to the customers. The motive of
such organization in providing value added services to their customers, require their
employees to be quite effective in creating value in all the products and services
offered by the organization (Judy 2003, pp.1-12). The knowledge and the skills of the
employees are quite crucial for the business organization to remain competitive in this
complex business environment. As such, it is essential that the employees should be
provided with sufficient training on all the new dimensions that the organization is
eyeing to explore in the near future. In upgrading the knowledge and skills of the
employees, the role of HR manager of the organization is quite important. The HR
manager of the organization has to develop policies that are essential to motivate
employees in contributing their maximum effort towards the achievement of the
organizational objectives. Apart from the role of HR manager and the employees of
the organization, it is quite essential that the organization should be flexible enough in
adjusting itself to any type of changes as per the requirement of business environment.
The learning of the organization regarding the major changes in the business
environment is quite crucial for its success, as it will enable it to effectively process
the important information which results into better interpretation of such information
and ultimately provides a framework to respond effectively both inside and outside
the organization (Smith, Araujo and Burgoyne 1999, pp.3). This essay is basically
concerned with the identification of relationship between Knowledge Management,
Organizational Learning and HRM of the organization. In order to explore the 
relationship between all these important aspects of the organization, a case based on
my real experience at work will be analyzed deeply. This will be helpful in
identifying the role of knowledge management, importance of organizational learning
and HRM in the achievement of organizational goal.
My Incident
I have been working with AlRajhi Bank in Saudi Arabia over a long period of time. All the
operations in the bank were performed manually without having any problem. But the recent
advancement in the field of technology has necessitated certain kind of changes to be brought
in the bank for the effective performance of all the functions. The increasing competition
from the other major banks has compelled the AlRajhi bank to bring changes in the
organization. Further, the customers of the bank are also expecting better and faster services
which could only be possible by implementing latest technology in operation. The major
problem that the bank is facing in bringing changes in the organization is the resistance from
existing employees including me as well. The major reason behind resistance from my side
including other major employees of the organization is that we all had a fear of job loss from
such technological change by the management of the bank. The fear that I would not be able
to perform effectively in the job has been the main reason for my resistance against the
change as desired by management. In order to make such change to happen, the bank has
made considerable effort such as; they have given assurance to employees that no one will
loose jobs because of such change. They have also given assurance that all the employees will
be given requisite training so that all of us could be able to perform effectively in our jobs.
The training would be helpful in acquiring sufficient knowledge regarding the way in which
all the functions of the bank can be performed effectively. The training process started after a
certain period of time and it was quite helpful for me in enhancing my skills and knowledge.
The training was helpful enough for all the employees of the organization in performing their
function in the manner expected from them by the organization.
Relationship between Knowledge Management, Organization Learning and
Learning of organization, Knowledge management and HRM are the
important concepts that have a major impact on the overall effectiveness of the
organization. Creation of value for the customer is regarded as one of the most
important criteria for the success of an organization. In the process of value creation,
there are two types of organizational learning that can take place. This includes
exploratory learning and exploitative learning. Exploratory learning implies acquiring
knowledge for the purpose of creating value for the customers which does not exist
within the organizat 

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