Rhetorical Analysis

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Rhetorical Analysis
Arguably, education is very crucial in the life of an individual. As a matter of fact,
globalization and global competition require skilled and learned individuals. From the article, it
is clear that the author is so categorical in expressing the importance of education, especially
when someone gets to college. In fact, most of the gratitude goes to parents, uncles, aunts, as
well as all the people who get involved in one way or another in making the education
achievement a reality. Certainly, it is essential to always ask ourselves who we really are, and
what exactly we are doing in where we are. As a matter of fact, who we are can be defined by
how an individual was brought up by their parents, as well as by the society. It is the
responsibility of the entire village to raise a child. In this case, the author asserts that there are
various factors that affect the development and growth of a child. In the article, it is evident that
American village is characterized by wars, guns, fanatical religions, as well as slim based
popular culture. For one to survive in such a society you should be part of those who have taken
a lot of grit. In general perspective, the society we live in molds us to be the people we are, and it
is essential for the one to adopt his/her environment and fight to achieve the best in life,
especially on the issue pertaining college education.
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In America, getting an education and a better life depends on the individual. Life is not
only about fighting on issues of drugs and violence; it goes beyond that since one has to struggle
with the educational system to succeed. In a society where there is a gap between the rich and the
poor, the author clearly asserts how important it is for one to choose what they wanted to study.
For example, the author elaborates how his father vied his opinion of becoming a lawyer
(Edmundson 2). In achieving the best, it is crucial to choose what interests you and carry on with
it in college. In America, education has various enemies that one should be aware of; the enemy
is university education. As a matter of fact, many people in society believe that going to
university is the best name for prosperity. Students aim at best credential that will earn them a
good job. The rich bring up their children and streamline them towards the material world. By
this, the poor believe that it is a failure not to be in the group of the rich.
The college, that students opt to be a part of so as to make a life, is an avenue of sports,
clubs, music, and life parties. The focus of study at colleges and universities is elsewhere,
meaning students in the education system live for the future. Another crucial aspect in college is
that the faculty issue is a problem. Students are always compelled to the future, yet they are not
even in a position to comprehend their progressive scholarly articles. This is actually an absurd
scenario. Professors always want their students in America to be smart and get ahead, but at the
end of the day this is not achieved (Edmundson 3). The professors in the American education
system have made a deal with their students, and no one wants to take seriously what happens in
the classroom. Critically, the author is categorical about how the final result is achieved. With
that, the final result is the matter. No one has the mistake; it is that people are becoming smarter.
The college has not been serving an all rounded purpose for those who commit various
crimes and mistakes may go unpunished. In fact, those who commit the mistakes may even go 
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ahead and assault their victims on a frequent basis. Another tremendous problem in college that
one needs to be aware of is cheating. Cheating in American colleges and other colleges come in
various ways; this includes the internet, as well as giving the students the same exam always.
The American society has been cut across by the aspect of money, whereby every problem can
be solved on monetary values (Edmundson 4). This aspect takes away the importance of societal
values and educational goals.
Professors focus on attaining a bright future through various means at the expense of
education and students' future. In this case, what is important to everyone is getting along and
getting through the education system peacefully. The best way to achieve this is by not making
any trouble. It is indispensable to always be who you are, when joining college many people
would have tried to tell you who you are. Going to college can tremendously change an
individual and the perceptions that she/he had been imparted with (Edmundson 5). The author of
the article uses scholars to elaborate on various aspects of life.
Understanding who we are exactly can be tricky in life. At one point, we are what our
parents made us be. In another perspective, we are what the society and college life makes us be.

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