Role of Conflict and Negotiation in Developing Capability

Role of Conflict and Negotiation in Developing Capability
This paper focuses on the techniques followed by the organisations to resolve conflicts. The
description of the big five personality attributes have been conducted to analyse the particular
situation. A development plan has also been included in the report for offering equal treatment to
each of the employees. Based on the discussion of this paper, it has been found that effective
negotiation techniques is important to maintain a proper work environment in the organisations. 
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 Literature Review...................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 The Description of Diagnostic Tools and Test Analysis.......................................................... 7
3.1 Big Five Personality Attributes............................................................................................. 7
3.1.1 Test Analysis of Big Five Personality Traits................................................................. 7
3.2 The Johari Window............................................................................................................... 7
3.2.1 Test Result Analysis ...................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Belbin Team Inventory ......................................................................................................... 8
3.3.1 Test Analysis.................................................................................................................. 8
4.0 Development Plan..................................................................................................................... 8
5.0 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 9
6.0 Reference List ......................................................................................................................... 10
7.0 Appendix................................................................................................................................. 13
1.0 Introduction
Conflicts are universal and can occurring due to clash of ideas; however, the results are not
always destructive since, conflicts are often responsible for sparking innovation and creativity.
Hence, managers may opt to apply the principle of negotiation so that the performance of
accompany is not affected. In many companies, the labour force is organised with the presence
of unions; they often negotiate with the management in issues related to salaries, bonus and
commissions, etc. However, negotiations are also common in political and international sphere
(Dwyer, 2012).
In this paper, the researcher has represented the application of three diagnostic tools; namely,
The Big Five personality measures, Johari Window and Belbin Team Inventory, in order to
illustrate how they can help in reducing destructive conflict. This paper also provides a
development plan encouraging win-win negotiations. These tests help in evaluating the potential
of employees in comparison to their appropriate job role.
2.0 Literature Review
According to Professor William Wilmot and professional mediator, Joyce Hocker, conflict can
be described as a struggle taken place between parties. However, it need not necessarily involve
any physical fight and often they can be nonverbal (O'Rourke and Collins, 2008). In an
organisation, it is often sighted that there is no direct accusation or contact between the parties
involved in conflict but they vent their pent up feelings upon a third party. However, Wilmot and
Hocker had mentioned interdependency among individual parties is a necessary condition for
them to be involved in a conflict. This interdependence is central for the individual to work
together providing the opportunity to share ideas setting the backdrop of a conflict (O'Rourke
and Collins, 2008).
Nowadays, human capital is considered one of the most productive assets by scholars; helping in
increasing organisations’ competitive advantage. As a company expands, its employment also
increases which can lead to complexities. However, to curb such chances and increase efficiency,
it is very important that employees are comfortable to work as a team (M. Djurica, N. Djurica
and Janicic, 2014). Some of the essential attributes in this regard are cooperation, trust among the 
employees and empathy. These behavioural characteristics can help in building cordial
relationships in work place (Cross and Shaw, 2014).
Over the last few decades, the structure of business has undergone manifold changes that have
led to increasing difficulties in managing the resources efficiently. 

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