Role of Office of Innovation and IKM

 Executive summary
In this report the evaluation is been done after the CEO has appointed an consultant to find the major finding or problem caused in IO and what are the ways or tools that can help in solving the problems. In this report tools have been discussed upon which will be used in the Cosmo Industries to reduce the problem scale and also an introduction of the new tool which will an update to already developed tool in reducing the problems and leading to results achievement in company. This report has also enlightened on the benefits and mere disadvantages of the IKS.

Table of Contents

Introduction	1
Role of Office of Innovation and IKM	1
Benefits of IKS	2
Uses of IKM	3
Problems faced in Current tool	4
Support of SAKAI to IKS	4
Conclusion	5
References	6

Cosmo industries are chemical product organization which produces the goods using chemical constituent in it. The company is basically into developing of the production techniques of chemical products. Another activity of the company Cosmo industries Ltd is to identify the new markets in the region and locate or fetch any commercial activity which can be useful for developing the products. The company was operating in three Australian states and fourth in Singapore. The company had build a good reputation for the services and product delivery . The company had the best practices of the chemical production in the business. The clients of this company were from Australian region and were lucrative and multinational customer but small in number. The Cosmo Company was a major partner with Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia and company had expanded, emerged and developed in chemical production and the branch of Cosmo industry had brought the growth in its chemical production in 18 months (Bitner 2002).
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