Sales Proposal: Apple Inc. and Nordstrom

Sales Proposal: Apple Inc. and Nordstrom


Prepared For:  NORDSTROM
Prepared By:
Apple Campus, 1st Infinite Loop,
Cupertino, California, U.S.

Submitted on:
24th November 2012

Table of Contents
I.	Statement of Confidentiality………………………………………………………… 4
II.	Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………… 4
III.	Current Situations…………………………………………………………………… 5
a)	What has been discovered …………………………………………………………... 6
b)	Initiatives or the needs of Nordstrom ……………………………………………….. 6
IV.	Apple Company Profile ……………………………………………………...……… 6
V.	Desired Situation or Solution ……………………………………………..………… 7
a)	Why Nordstrom should carry Apple products in its stores………………………….. 7
VI.	Costs …………………………………………………………………………………. 8
VII.	Implementation Plan …………………………………………………………………. 9
VIII.	Conclusion ………………………………………………………………...………… 10
IX.	Reference ……………………………………………………..….……......………….. 11

Statement of Confidentiality
	This document contains confidential and proprietary information. All information submitted to Nordstrom is provided in reliance upon the company’s consent, not to disclose or to use the material provided herein, except in the concept of its business dealings with Apple Inc. Nordstrom agrees not to duplicate or allow others to duplicate and distribute the information contained herein, without a written consent from Apple Inc.
	Apple Inc. retains all the ownership and intellectual property rights to the information, file, marketing materials, trademarks and supporting documents contained herein.
By accepting this document, the recipient agrees to be bound by the aforementioned statement.
Executive Summary
	Apple Inc. is pleased to present Nordstrom with this proposal for the electronic sales collaboration. We understand that Nordstrom has been seeking to open city target stores, which are to attract customers to purchase Nordstrom products. Nordstrom has also been seeking to expand its market share, through an expansion of the target customers, to include younger customers. We understand that in the business of selling, opening stores is not enough, but the company has to seek the right products, which will draw the attention of the customer to the stores. Nordstrom is seeking to expand the market share through targeting younger customers. This calls for the introduction of high end and technologically advanced products, which can attract the youth to Nordstrom stores.
	We believe that Apple Inc. electronics are in the best position to provide Nordstrom with the right products to draw the attention of the younger consumers to the stores. Apple Inc. will effectively address the need as the products state of art technology, which is appealing to the young generations. Our marketing campaigns through different media avenues will ensure that Nordstrom get more customers visiting its stores. 
Through collaborating with Apple Inc., Nordstrom will benefit from
	Technologically advanced products
	Product marketing done by apple
	High price items to increase earning
	Increase in overall sales due to consumer traffic
Our Unique ability in product design, marketing, customer relationship, and the long track of high performance and customer satisfaction makes us the right partners for this project. We look forward to forming a highly beneficial business relationship with Nordstrom.
Current Situations
	Currently, the electronics market is faced with competition from different companies selling products that are highly sophisticated In terms of the technology used in manufacturing. For any store seeking to be productive and to draw the younger customers, it is important to stock products that are appealing to the customer and give value for their money. Young people are highly educated and are not willing to use products, which are not manufacture with current state of the art technology standards. This is because the products are used to make a statement for the young people and create a feeling that they belong to a certain class. For any store targeting this group, it is essential to collaborate with the best electronics companies. Only the best company like Apple Inc. can offer the customers value for their money and hire class products that fetch high prices, which is beneficial to the store. 
Nordstrom Needs
	Nordstrom has been seeking to open city target stores, which are to attract customers to purchase Nordstrom products. Nordstrom has also been seeking to expand its market share, through an expansion of the target customers, to include younger customers. To increase sales further, the company is also seeking to device ways that will enable more customer traffic to the stores, as this will account for sales of other products in stock
Apple Inc. Profile
	Apple Inc. is an American corporation that is a designer and seller of electronics, established on April 1, 1976 in C 

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