Saving the Oceans

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Saving the Oceans
	Throughout the world over there are growing concerns for the state of the environment. The efforts and resources being put towards the conservation and maintenance of the environment are really immense. There is a great need for integrated efforts from all the parties to ensure that the environment remains conducive and it is not endangered and therefore pose an uncertainty for the future generations. One of the most important sections of the ecosystem is the water bodies; water bodies constitute the greatest percentage of the ecosystem. The oceans constitute the greatest percentage of the water bodies and therefore the need to conserve the water ecosystems cannot be stressed enough without putting the greatest emphasis on the Oceans. 
	The oceans need to remain free of pollution so as to ensure that the water bodies are in a good state and are not adversely affected for the coming years and generations (Earle 142).
The oceans are important for the survival of the human race. The living species in the oceans contribute a great deal to the daily life of the human race on the world. There is presence of certain species of algae in the Oceans which are known to produce oxygen which is an important constituent for the survival of human beings because they need it for respiration. However with the impending pollution in the environment that has widely affected even the oceans ; this pollution endanger the life and existence of many of the living species in the oceans and the crucial role that these organisms may play in the daily lives of the human race may thus be affected. 
	The magnitude of pollution and 
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Work Cited
Sylvia, Earle. The World is Blue: How Our Fate and the Ocean’s are One. Washington DC: 	National Geographic. 2009. Print


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