Score the effectiveness of your organization.


1) Score the effectiveness of your organization.

Today, organizations face a wide range of issues that affect their everyday operations and effectiveness (Blenko, Mankins, & Rogers, 2010). However, attempts are always made to address the problems so that the enterprise can gain a competitive advantage in the market. A review of my organization shows that it is highly effective. Interventions and systems that allow to identify and respond to the needs of its customers successfully have been developed. Furthermore, the company has clear communication channels that enable employees to access and exchange information on various issues, including short-term and long-term objectives.

2) What are the top 2-3 critical decisions essential for your organization's effectiveness?

The success and effectiveness of an organization depends on the quality and nature of decisions made by the leaders and employees. The decisions may relate to the welfare of employees, customer needs, competitiveness, and everyday operations (Blenko et al., 2010). In the case of my organization, there are several critical changes that can help improve its effectiveness. First, it is imperative to organize regular meetings of employees and managers. This form of cooperation will provide an opportunity for employees to raise questions that affect their work and productivity. The managers, on the other hand, will use the discussions to inform the rest of the team about what is expected of them and what needs to be done to improve the performance (Harrigan, 2008). Second, it is imperative to carry out market research to determine what customers think about the products and services offered by the organization. An enterprise can only achieve its short-term goals and make profits by meeting the specific needs of the clients and delivering high-quality products. The proposed market research will generate data that can help in increasing customer satisfaction levels.

3) What framework did you use to make the decision of what to include in #2?

I used the X-ray approach to examine the decisions that the organization management needs to make. The process entailed carefully assessing the issue at hand and understanding how a given problem affects the value, effectiveness, and success of the enterprise. In this case, I realized that the productivity of employees and successful identification of customers’ needs is key to the development of the organization. Consequently, there is a need to come up with interventions that will lead to the realization of short-term and long-term business goals.

4) Map the decision x-ray for your most critical decision recently made.

I recently made a critical decision to form collaborative teams within the organization so that employees could work together to respond to customers’ needs. Initially, there was some opposition from those who believed that the approach would slow them down and create barriers to better individual performance (GMAC Global Relocation Services, 2004). In addition, concerns were raised about the appropriateness of the team structure to the goals set. It was imperative to carefully assess the situation to determine how it would affect different employees and the organization as a whole. The process entailed looking at the quality of the decision, the expected outcomes, and the role to be played by every member of the team. After considering all of these points, I clearly stated the objectives of the groups and gave members a chance to make suggestions on how to improve the performance.

5) In your opinion, identify and discuss the hard or soft elements of decision making that effects change/innovation to a greater or lesser degree?

There are different soft elements of decision making process that can effect change and innovation to a greater or lesser degree. One of the factors is effective communication that helps members of a team to share ideas and come up with innovative products. In addition, communication determines how employees will collaborate to realize the intended objectives. The second soft element is setting clear goals and objectives that employees will focus on in the course of their work. The third one is adaptability; it is a critical soft element of decision making that allows managers and employees to respond to diverse threats and opportunities in the market. My organization is hardwired to succeed because it has created clear communication channels, set specific objectives, and allowed employees to work together to achieve short-term and long-term goals.


Blenko, M.W., Mankins, M.C. & Rogers, P. (2010). Decide and deliver: 5 steps to breakthrough performance in your organization. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press, Bain & Company.

GMAC Global Relocation Services. (2004). Ten years of global relocation trends 1993–2004. Oak Brook, IL: GMAC Relocation Services.

Harrigan, K. (2008). Cooperative strategies in inter 

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