Simple and Effective Ways of Saving Energy

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Simple and Effective Ways of Saving Energy
The concept of climate change is not new to society. In this respect, the key question
is what practical steps can we take to improve the current situation. Luckily, there are many
easy and rather effective ways to save energy.
Basically, things work as follows. When we use energy, carbon dioxide is released
into the atmosphere. This chemical mixture contributes to climate change. If we start using
less energy, then less carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere and the climate
change will slow down.
Let’s take into close consideration that every step we take today towards slowing
down climate change may be a significant investment into the well-being of our future
generations. Moreover, reducing the amount of the energy we use now can save a great deal
of money in the short-run. The economical estimation shows that the average European
household can save up to € 500 per year with energy-saving strategies.
This goal can be easily achieved by following a couple of energy-saving measures
(Rosner 1). For example, a household can save about 10% of its overall demand for energy
by simply turning down the temperature on the thermostat by 1 ℃.. The family members will
hardly notice any difference. However, the practical benefit from this measure is significant.
We can do the same in the office or other locations where we work.
Another way we can use less energy is to switch all household and office light sources
to energy-efficient lamps (Rosner 1). Incandescent light bulbs were invented 200 years ago.
Their technology hasn’t changed since. Today, we can buy eco-friendly light bulbs in many
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retail shops. The price is relatively low, which makes them affordable. We can change all
ordinary, non-energy-saving lamps at home or in the office with energy-saving ones.
Another energy-saving tip that has to do with temperature concerns the water used in
a home. When it comes to water, it’s a good idea to set the hot water thermostat to a
maximum of 60 ℃. (Korsh 1). This will prevent the pipes from over-heating. At the same
time, the water will be hot enough for all practical purposes. It’s also vital to check that
there’s a good insulating jacket around the hot water tank. The materials offered for insulation
today are much better than those that have been used in the past. Wrapping the pipes and hot
water tanks with high quality insulation will pay for the initial costs very quickly. In addition,
we should make sure that no water faucet in the house leaks. A leaking faucet drains a huge
amount of energy from the home, which is a waste of money.
A simple but effective recommendation for saving energy is to turn off the light when
we leave a room (Rosner 1). Doing this can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released
into the atmosphere. In other words, we should turn off any appliance not being used.
Another way to save energy is by washing clothes at 30 ℃. (Korsch 1). It’s better to
wash the clothes at 30 ℃. for both reserving the color and the overall condition of the
material. The clothes will look good longer; thus, we will save money not only in energy
costs but also in having to replace clothing items. Choosing the half-load or small-load
settings is preferable when there’s not enough clothes to fill the machine completely.
Another useful tip for saving energy that deals with heating water is boiling it for
everyday use (Korsch 1). It’s always better to boil as much water at one time that we plan to
use. Heating pans and kettles is a rather energy-intensive activity. When heating the kettle, we
should be sure to cover the bottom with water, as well.
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The use of ordinary blinds can also be rather helpful when it comes to saving energy
(Korsch 1). Blinds can create shade when it’s hot outside. Moreover, they will help keep heat
from seeping out of the windows when it’s cold.
All these enumerated measures are quite simple, but very effective. Each of them
helps to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions and, thus, slows down climate change.
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Works Cited
Rosner, Sean. “10 Easy Ways to Save on Energy at Home.” Mother Earth News. The
Original Guide of Living Wisely, Accessed 21 July 2009.
Korsch, Sally Grans. “Top 10 Home Energy Efficiency Tips.” Alliance to Save Energy. Using
Less. Doing More,
Accessed 4 June 2012. 

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