Skills for Team Work & Its Types

 Skills for Team Work & Its Types
Introduction to Skills
According to Herringer (2002), competence can be defined as an individual’s ability to perform a task using own knowledge, skills, qualities and experience. On the basis of employee’s competencies, an organization can accomplish the desired goals (Herringer, 2002). According to Katz (1955) skills has been defined “an ability which can be acquired or developed, not necessarily inherent, and which is manifested in performance, not just on potential. He further stated three types of skills which are required by a manger (Katz, 1995). These skills are as mentioned below;

Human Skills: Various eminent scholars have corroborated that it is imperative for manager to get the things done from other effectively and efficiently. In addition to it, it's also essential to make all the subordinates work collectively and towards the common goal (Fulmer & Wagner, 1999).

Technical skills: For a manager, it is required to have proficiency in the specific field or the task. It aids to provide knowledge and credibility to persuade people to act in the desired way and do certain things in an effective and efficient manner.

Conceptual skills: The next most important skill required by a manager is to have enough knowledge about the organization as a whole. In other words, he must be aware of each and every aspect of the organization including mission, vision, goals and objectives, business strategies etc. Such type of skills is most important for the top level of managers who are accountable for developing the business policies, strategies, decision making and long term planning (Jones and Pound, 2008).

Each of these skills is necessary for the leader, but the amount to each skill varies from a position within the organizational hierarchy. In the contemporary age, good leaders are considered as an enabling force that helps people as well as the organization to develop and perform to achieve personal and business goal (Strange and Mumford, 2002). The traditional concept of leadership of being directing the organization from the top is nowadays inappropriate. According to some renowned authors, in the modern age, good leadership most importantly requires behaviour and attitude which characterize and associate with humanity. According to Greenleaf (1970), the concept of serving is elementary for leadership roles.

A good leader is expected to serve the firm and the people within it. Newer approaches to the leadership and the managerial skills have been built upon human, conceptual and technical skills, but are somewhat different (Greenleaf, 1996). According to Goleman (1998), there are three domains of leadership skills: technical, competencies that exhibit emotional intelligence (self awareness, empathy, motivation, self-regulation and social skills), cognitive abilities and technical skills. He further asserted that emotional intelligence as twice more important than other skills when applied to all levels within the hierarchy (Goleman, 1998).

As well, the study designed by Robbins and (2001) recognized four leadership skills domain have been identified namely technical, emotional intelligence, conceptual reasoning skills and industry knowledge (Robbins and, 2001).

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Team working skills
Goal accomplishment is a collaborative activity i.e. organizational goals can only achieved by pooling the skills, knowledge and experience of different people and thus channelizing them in the direction that can further lead to success. Merely the people together may not necessarily ensure that they will operate effectively as a team. Effective team work does not happen automatically, it may be impeded by variety of issues such as misunderstanding, contradicting views of team members, poor communication, lack of organization and clarity of goals, inadequate participation, rivalry among members etc. Managers or leaders in order to develop high performing team are required to harness collective skills, efforts and energies of all the members (Barner, 2000).

Leaders must be aware of every tactics and strategies that can be employed with a view to make all team members work collectively as a team. He must facilitate necessary cooperation for the team to perform well. Leader must be also aware of information and the resources required accomplishing the task within the specified time frame. For developing the team work leaders must create supportive and open work environment, should promote mutual respect and trust, loyalty and cooperation as well as blame-free culture (Cottrell, 2010).

He must be able to clearly and specifically define the goals, targets, objectives that are intended to be achieved and allocating or delegating the task properly among team members. Leader is also required to be decisive i.e. able to make sound dec 

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