Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility
Social Responsibility
 1A. Environmental Considerations
Thomas Cook Group is a fast growing tour and travel company in German Airlines,
Unite kingdom, continental Europe, Northern Europe, North America as well as Northern
Europe. It is a company with great impact in these regions as far as the tour and travel industry is
concerned. Like any other company, Thomas Cook Group Company has social obligation and
responsibility in the society within which it operates. This means that the company must take
into account the general welfare and interest of the public within which it operates in the process
of making company decisions. Thomas Cook Group Company must therefore regulate its
operations in order to act in the interest of the community around especially in decision making
while holding itself accountable (Reilly, 2006).
It is however worth noting that social responsibility is not legally binding on any business
organization or company. The businesses however do this out of their own good will and ethical
standards. Moreover, such responsibility improves the coexistence of the between the company
in question and the community in which it operates. On such social responsibility that Thomas
Cook Group company should put into consideration when making decisions for the company is
the environmental factor. The company must endeavor at all times to preserve the environment
in which it operates. The company must take into account the various environmental
considerations that regard tours and travel. To begin with, it is important to note that such tour
and travel company is normally associated with recreation. Such company’s environmental
impact can, therefore come as a result of either of the tour and travel process or the
accompanying recreational facilities. 
1. The fist environmental consideration that Thomas Cook Group should take into account is
littering the environment. This may result from various personal material that the travelers carry
as well as their food stuffs and packaging material.
Recommendation: In order to deal with this environmental concern, the company should put in
place several mechanisms to ensure that the environment in which they operate is preserved and
free from litter. Such mechanisms may include, and not be limited to, placing of dust bins in their
travel vehicles in order to collect the litter that would have otherwise been disposed to the
environment. Moreover, the company should urge their food suppliers to package the food in
biodegradable packaging material. The company management should also educate their
customers of the importance of environmental preservation, giving reasons why they should not
litter the environment. Environmental conservation is of key interest to any company or
2. Another important environmental consideration that Thomas Cook Group Company
needs to take into account is the water pollution risks that the tour and travel company posses to
the surrounding water bodies. It is true that water bodies provide sceneries for tourism. Such
related tours that Thomas Cook Group carries out posses’ danger of water pollution. Water
activities such as swimming and boat ridding may lead to discharge of foreign material s into the
water. People may discharge toxic human wastes as well as other wastes to the water. This may
adversely affect the aquatic life by poisoning aquatic life.
Recommendation: Thomas Cook Group Company, therefore, needs to curb such environmental
impacts. The company must ensure that they do not take too many people beyond the capacity of
any water recreational facility. Furthermore, the company must educate their clients on the
impact of water pollution and how they can avoid such pollution.
3. Finally, the type of vehicles that the company uses may pose great danger of air pollution.
Heavy diesel vehicles pose the danger of emitting carbon monoxide to the surrounding
environment. This is a poisonous gas that may affect the ecosystem by killing some biotic factors
of such ecosystem.
Recommendation: Thomas Cook Group Company should, therefore, consider buying vehicles
that do not emit large quantities of such poisonous gases as well as smoke (Watts, 2008).
2A. Ethical Consideration
1. Another social responsibility is the Ethical Leadership Considerations. Leadership has the sole
responsibility of ensuring the followers behave in a certain manner. The leadership influences the
behavior and the action of the followers. Good leadership is not only confined into competence
but extends to people transformation as well as ethics. A good leader must influence his or her
followers to take particular action and behave in a given way while empowering them in all
Recommendation: In this regard Thomas Cook Group Company must  

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