Topic: Sociology Reflective Essay
Pages: 4
Words: 1000
References: Harvard
Sociology Reflective Essay
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The human being has a set of reactions and behavioural habits that have been acquired
during life and that give specificity to be single mode. Along with the temperament and skills
shape the personality of an individual. The human being is characterized by the development of
psychic and social activities in its maximum degree. The intellectual, emotional and conative
functions become more intensity, breadth and functionality.
Man is a social being by nature making company always look for, ways to partner with
other human beings and ways how to achieve better results in their social relationships. In this
paper, the writer will try to shed light on the importance of sociological characteristics and see
how changing just one basic sociological characteristic affect his or her whole personality and
Importance of Sociological Characteristics
Sociological characteristics play a pivotal role in making and shaping the personality and
identity of a person. Sociological characteristics lead us to develop ever more complex forms of
life while accumulating a body of knowledge that have allowed us, little by little, comprising
what we call reality (Macionis & John, 2010). The reality includes everything that is in both
nature and what is in the minds of human beings. The social adulthood is manifested in three
areas: at work, in social participation (civic and political) and legal liability.
The question is how to influence the personality, its formation and development,
evaluation of "other" people, society, cultural traditions, ethics actively discussed and debated in
in humanistic psychology. The personality I possess is due to my sociological characteristics, i.e. 
I am a female of UK origin, brought up in a non-religious home where both parents are at home
and I am high school graduate.
Our sociological characteristics are important because it helps to shape the intellectual
and physical abilities of our personality and help to shape and form our identity (Thompson&
Hickey, 2005). Our intellectual and physical abilities are mature enough to persist with
independence and ability to intervene in labour, politicians and citizen’s problemsexpress their
psychological maturity.
Alternative Self
As discussed above, my personality and identity is shaped by the sociological
characteristics I possess. If one important sociological characteristic has been changed, it will
sure affect my personality and identity development. For example, for the sake of argument,
consider that if was not of British origin, instead if I was a girl of Asian origin then how different
was my personality and identity.
The question of identity is probably one of the most difficult questions, the answer to
which we have to find lifelong. To feel, its existence as an individual constant, regardless of
changes in the situation, the role of self-perception, and the past, present and future are
experienced as a whole which means that person feels a connection between their own continuity
and recognition of the continuity of other people. Identity is the dynamic formation and changes
over the life of the individual. It is true that identity is social in origin, that is, it is formed by the
interaction between people. At the macro level, the identity of the individual is woven into the
proper "fabric" of culture (Turner & Reynolds, 2001). 
The content of ethnic identity is all sorts of ethnic-social representations shared in
varying degrees between members of the ethnic group. These representations are formed in the
process of intra-socialization and interaction with other nations (Platow et al, 2011). Much of
these ideas are the result of awareness of a common history, culture, tradition, place of origin and
the state. In the ethno-social representations reflect the views, beliefs, ideas that get expressed in
myths, legends, historical narratives, everyday forms of thinking and behaviour. Central among
ethno submissions take images of their own and other ethnic groups.
Culture has a direct impact on the formation and change of identity and if I were a female
of Asian origin, rather than British origin than this must affect my individual identity. The
influence of Eastern culture, language and values would have shaped my personality quite
differently. In our culture, there is a "principle of carrot and stick", which is actively used from
generation to generation in the education of children: praise, a gift - act as positive reinforcement
(stick) on success, and punishment, war, prohibition - as a negative "reinforcement" (whip) on
failure. The child gets used to th 

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