Socrates Sculpture Park

 Public Art

Socrates Sculpture Park

Public art phenomenon has proven to be an essential part of contemporary culture and society. There are numerous forms of public art which have been vehemently influenced by the great advancement of technologies. Current public art displays incorporate not only the artists’ efforts but also the contributions of other individuals such as politicians, general community members, architects, civic leaders design professionals, construction teams, and funding agencies among others. is a website devoted to the Socrates Sculpture Park which is one of the famous New York’s outdoor art exhibitions. Just like other public art display centers, Socrates Sculpture Park is an open-air museum which offers a vital ground for various artists to create and display their work. Consequently, the park has also become a shared ground for providing educational programs and seminars related to art as well as for permanent or temporary display of paintings, sculptures, and other forms of artwork of various artists. Over the years, the Socrates Sculpture Park has been modernized so that it could host virtual or online exhibitions.


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