Speaker and Tone

Speaker and Tone
‘In Search of Our Mothers Gardens’ by Alice Walker provides a groundbreaking discussion of a black woman struggle for self-expression and the search for the roots of creativity. The speaker in the essay is a black feminist who is in search of her roots and tries to stand against any form of oppression. The book talks about the search of black woman’s suppressed talents and artistic skills that were due to the aspect of slavery as well as the forced way of life. The tone of the essay comes from the arguments of the historical events as well as the collective experiences that were facing African Americans include that of her own. Indeed the dark and sad past sets the tone of the essay which transcends to the things that they do. There is an element of being held back due to the things that they do such that they are incapable of expressing themselves. 
On the other hand, ‘A Room of One’s Own’ by Virginia Woolf takes a different tone when it comes to the narration. Wolf makes a refute of the widely held assumption where women should be viewed as inferior subjects when it comes to social circumstances. Woolf builds the premise by arguing that everything in literature and even in history is based on masculinity while women being marginalized. The argument put forward by Woolf is that of gendered values. At the time of writing of the book, it was clear that masculine values were prevailing. The tone laid out in the book is that of great hope and anticipation for the future. She argues that even when working ‘poverty and obscurity’ is a worth endeavor. 

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