Special Purpose Islamic Regiment


Special Purpose Islamic Regiment




	Terrorism is not a new phenomenon as it has existed for a few decades now.  Terrorism is simply defined as the use of violence and terror acts to inflict fear, coerce and intimidate civilians or the governments in power. Terrorism is carried out by different political movements, whether in right or left wings, religious, social, nationalists, revolutionary groups as well as governments  . Different movements and groups use terrorism attacks with the aim of attaining their objectives and gaining publicity. In order to achieve their political, religious and social goals, terrorism movements resort in using violence coupled with terror activities on non combat civilians and governments. 	
 	John Locke argues that political and social movements have the legal right to remove tyrannical government or “governments in force” through the use of armed rebellion . This fact has created a contentious debate on how terrorism should be distinguished from movements that legitimately employ violence in rebellion. The confusing in the definition of terrorism has been ironed out through the use of normative terms such as rebellion, partisan war, insurrection and guerrilla  . These words are commonly associated with social, political and religious movements resisting western ideologies and advocating for certain goals in a country. However, governments opposing ideas and opinions raised by such movements use terms such as bandits, thugs and even terrorists to criminalize movements operations.  This has been the trend for many years thus creating a rift between legitimate social movements and terrorism organizations. Scholars and researches admit that there is an inconsistency in the definition of the term terrorism and most states capitalizes in this aspect to politicize and undermine the legitimacy of social and political movements.
	However, in the last few years, the number of terrorism attacks experienced in the world has increased steadily. This move has raised a concern both from the public and the internationally community geared towards containing the vice . Majority of these terror attacks are well planned and mainly targets non Islamic states such as United States, United Kingdom and Britain to name but a few. It has been affirmed that terrorism groups not only target Western nations such as United States and the like but, also nations affiliated to them. Additionally, even Islamic nations have not been spared either, since several terrorism attacks have been experienced in Middle East and parts of Asian . This is a clear indication that terrorism is not either a national or regional affair but, a global concern.
	Following a high number of terrorism attacks experienced in the recent past, nations across the globe have formulated and enacted anti terrorism policies. This move has lead to the establishment of “war on terror” campaigns initiated by United States and other western nations . Both Nato and other non-Nato countries received the ant terrorism campaign positively; an idea that has lowered terrorism attacks a immense deal. However, much need to be done to wipe out terrorism activities in the face of the world. 
	The global war on terror campaign was aggravated further following the 11th September, 2001, bombing of the World Centre twin towers in America. The investigation affirmed that eighteen men with close association with al-Qaeda group had hijacked two American jets and, crashed them on Trade world Centre and Pentagon building simultaneous.  The eighteen men died on the stop while more than 3,000 people had severe injuries. The US government linked al-Qaeda terror organization with the attack and declared war on terror. At terrorisms, military group was established and mandated with the obligation of fighting against designated terrorist organizations and regimes that either supported and have associations with terrorist groups or perceived to jeopardize US government efforts in the global war on terror . However, the fight against terrorism cannot be won through the use of armed force but, through imposing ideological changes.
	Al-Qaeda is one of terrorism group that is widely known for terrorism attacks world. However, this does not mean that it is the only terrorism organization in the world. There are other terrorism organizations organizing terrorism activities in different parts of the world. One such terror group is the Special Purpose Islamic Regiment denoted as (SPIR). Special Purpose Islamic Regiment also known as Islamic Regiment of Special Meaning, Al-Jihad-Fisi-Sabililah Special Islamic Regiment was invented in 1966 and executes it terror attacks in Russia, Georgia and Chechen . According to a report released by United States Department of  

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