Stakeholders in Health Informatics

 Stakeholders in Health Informatics

Stakeholders in Health Informatics
Community-Based Groups and Organizations

The Pierce County is divided into different support and regulatory groups, such as Opioid, Care Coordination Advisory, Value-based Payment, Workforce Development, HIT/HIE and Quality and Continuous Improvement (QCI) Workgroups (PCACH 41). These community-based organizations help initiate and sustain the concept of healthcare management and information in society. Their role as described by the county authorities enshrines that they have access to critical information about the providers, referral channels, and all the specific services that can be granted to the members of community (PCACH 38). The information is necessary in order to help the users who consult the groups access the services available to them easily and more effectively. However, in most cases, these needs are not met as the community groups are often disorganized and suffer from the lack of the appropriate supportive framework and information. Taking into account such gaps, the community-based groups in the society are counterproductive when meeting their healthcare management mandate.

Community Leaders, Councils, and Boards of Trustees

Pierce County ACH is a community-based organization composed of the following bodies: Board of Trustees, Community Voice Council, Provider Integration Plan, Regional Heath Improvement Plan Council and Data, and Learning Team which perform some spefic functions and have relevant responsibilities (PCACH 41). All these stakeholders ensure the specific interventions and have been established to eliminate the existing barriers as well as regulate the current policy and carry out the analysis of the existing data and its application, so that the healthcare in the county is improved, health equity is increased, and the overall raise in effectiveness of services is ensured. In order for their duties to be effectively fulfilled, they have to collect the available data from the service providers and transfer it to the community members in a way acceptable and convenient to them and through the communication channels that are suitable for different members and groups in the society. In order to receive information about the community groups, and analyse it for the purposes of determining demands of the county members and groups, they have to receive data from the caregivers and service providers. There are existing gaps in the data access for the community leaders, i.e. the systems used by the service providers may be unfamiliar and there is no way to improve the awareness.

Government Agencies

The local government, including county executive, county council, and senator, plays an important role in the overall operation of PCACH, that is why it is considered one of the major stakeholders (PCACH 54). The governmental structures are used to improve and control stewardship and transparency in the services provision, as well as to ensure that the core governance principles of the federal and state bodies are implemented in the county. Data necessary for the government agencies has to include the professional statistics of the providers and their employees, as well as the assessment and inspection data received from the relevant institutions (PCACH 38). However, a lot of information about necessary requirements to compliance with the set guidelines is not available to most of the agencies, and this often means that they carry out evaluation on quality, which appears to be ineffective (Ravi et al. 199). This makes healthcare providers think that the governmental agencies are focused on keeping them out of business, and, therefore, tend to conceal essential details.


PCACH. Pierce County Accountable Community Health: Medicaid Transformation Project Plan Submission. 2017.

Ravi, Daniele, et al. “Deep Learning for Health Informatics.” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 13, no. 4, 2017, pp. 198–216, doi:10.1109/JBHI.2016.2636665. 

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