Stress Management

 Stress Management

Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to life challenges, and sometimes, it can be useful for one’s motivation and work (Mayo Clinic Staff). However, undergoing constant stressful situations may lead to various problems with health. That is why stress management is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. Considering that I have some stressful situations in my everyday life, I try to use some strategies to cope with the aftereffects of the harsh conditions. The most affected spheres of my life are sleeping and eating habits and mood. It is difficult for me to cope with some challenges, so I often do not have enough sleep and rarely eat regularly; moreover, my emotions may change significantly during the day.

The most helpful advice for me to overcome the difficulties is to accept the idea that some things cannot be changed. It is recommended to perceive the arising problems as the chance for personal goal and improvement (Robinson et al.). I believe that it is also necessary for me to make my schedule simpler. Also, I follow the recommendation of Hereford that we should refuse from less productive and more time-consuming activities to have more time for themselves. Moreover, I should improve my time management skills in order to make my life more organized. This can be done with the help of daily checklists or planners that can visualize what is needed to be performed within a particular time. It is also vital for me to learn about some relaxation techniques to reduce the tension as well as let the body and mind have some rest. Some of the effective methods include muscle relaxation, deep breathing, guided imagery, and biofeedback (Niemiec). Finally, I assume that it is essential for me to develop forgiveness. I hope that all these tools will help me to reduce the adverse effects of the stressful situations on my life and health.


Hereford, Zorka. “Stress Management Strategies – How to Deal with Stress.” Essential Life Skills,

Mayo Clinic Staff. “Stress Basics.” Mayo Clinic, 31 Mar. 2017,

Niemiec, M. Ryan. “10 New Strategies for Stress Management.” Psychology Today. 19 Jan. 2017,

Robinson, Lawrence, et al. “Stress Management: How to Reduce, Prevent, and Cope with Stress.” Brainline. 15 Jun. 2011, 

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