Student Relationship Management Paper Type: Dissertation

Relationships are about individuals not systems or companies. For the aim of this paper, Student
Relationship Management (SRM) has been presented as the logical handling of communications
between an institution and its pupils. An apparent definition of the landscape of student
relationship management is complicated to obtain, as there are several differences in the missions
of institutions, students types and provision of education. Institutions control their
communications and relationships with pupils in different styles: face to face, access to
electronic systems to perform administrative jobs, use of portals, provision of virtual learning
situations, text messaging, email, and additional common telephone and written contact. The
methods obtainable to them to do this are also differed, and utilised to a lesser or greater level in
various institutions. This paper has revealed that strong integrated student data systems are
obtainable in different organisations to encourage student relationship management, but that
these are not essentially being applied in an integrated and holistic approach, or to their full
potential. Different institutions implement proprietary approaches, but some have expanded their own
in‐house software over a number of years and maintain to implement it. 
in the field of education. The efforts, training management in the academic training to is often
implemented with terms such as evaluation, accreditation, but also quality assurance is reflected.
Most of these concepts focus on the teaching as the main process of the universities and look at
the quality of teaching as a critical size. Addition to this main process, there are also supporting
service Student Relationship Management
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Academic training as one of the main tasks of the universities has recent years the
importance given. People employed as a consequence number of publications in recent years
with the special requirements of Management training specifically processes - such as marketing,
finance, etc. - that so far too little have received attention in the modelling. In the academic
training are opportunities and risks challenges facing universities at the same time. Hereinafter,
the Model of the Student Relationship Management (SRM) as a possible solution presented
(John, 2003). After the introduction and description of themes are the first theoretical principles
discussed, as the basis for the development of the SRM model have served. On the one hand, the
academic training as an object of Study and for the other model, the customer relationship
Management (CRM) as a starting concept for the SRM are discussed. After determining the
basic framework is the model of the SRM presented.
Lifelong 1.2 Research Questions
1. What is the model of the Student Relationship Management and why it is important?
2. What is the value of customer relationship management in education?
3. How is the relationship between the University and students cultivated?
4. To what extent do the relationship outcomes of control mutuality, commitment,
satisfaction, and trust exist in the relationship between students and the University?
5. What expectations and perceived benefits characterize the relationship between students
and the University?
1.3 Background
learning and thus has the academic training in the recent years gained importance.
Research transmits it from falling Half-life of knowledge and the importance of higher education
as an essential factor in the production of new knowledge. Universities are as basic and training
facilities for the provision of relevant knowledge and findings to the company. The growing
importance of lifelong learning requires an adjustment of the universities. The training is as third
pillar - in addition to research and teaching - as a mandate for universities. A systematic and
deliberate examination of the training as a task of higher education and an organizational anchor,
this was promoted in the recent past.
A report from the year 2000 "admissibility, limitations and consequences of privatization
of higher education in UK deals with the performance as competitiveness of higher education in
international comparison. This study concludes that one of the structural, leading to
inefficiencies weaknesses of the higher education system inadequate training offer. These
experiences mentioned neglect currently on trial by a concentration of continuing education
activities. The concrete implementation of continuing education at universities has in the past 5
years an important extension. This development was supported by the increasing demand for 
training and diversity different training providers. Universities need to focus on the training
market - as well as other providers.
Training takes place not only at local or national level. Internationalization of the
business of the company has an Internatio 

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