
	The contemporary business world requires effective leadership in order to enhance profitability and sustainability. Effective leadership grow and develop by nurturing through developmental domains, which ensure effective practices. Leadership entails various roles, behaviour and practices. The key elements in leadership revolve around conceptual, analytical, spiritual and emotional domains (Collins, 2001). The domains have various connections, which foster leadership development. People attain leadership behaviours, based on their different temperament and personality. The theory of supportive leadership fits my temperament and personality. This paper is a detailed explanation of the supportive leadership theory, and an analysis of how the theory will be useful in the future.
	Supportive leadership theory is a term used to refer to a leadership style, which developed in 1970s and 1980s. At this time, businesses started to take a keen interest, not only on the technical aspects of managements, but also on other forms of managements and their classifications (Dionne et al., 2002).  This led to the development of supportive leadership, which mainly focuses on effective and beneficial interpersonal relationships at the work place. Supportive leadership leads to development of managers, who are friendly and considerate toward the people in an organization. Through this, managers are able to create emotional ties with employees. These ties are extremely beneficial for managers in getting the work done and assists in development of loyal employees. Supportive leadership is highly applicable in a situation where the followers have a focus of internal control; their ability is high and do not want autocratic leadership (Lussier, 2010).

	Supportive leadership involved showing concern for the needs of others in the work place, and enables employees to like their leaders. People prefers working under managers, who are considerate, supportive, cooperative and understanding than working with the manager, who are impersonal, cold, hostile and uncooperative. Supportive leadership is essential in the organization as it helps enhance performance and job satisfaction. This due to people preference on working with understanding and supportive leaders.  According to Simmons (2012), to enhance the applicability of supportive leadership there are different behaviors that the leaders should ensure that they are carried out. These supportive behaviors are essential in making employees loyal and encouraging performance, and include:
	Ability of the leader to show positive regard and acceptance for others in the work place. This is essential behavior as it assures the employee that they are respected and valued at the work place. Accepting others enables them to also accept you. This is key for the managers when, they need to get employees to be loyal and to perform organization duties. Leaders using supportive leadership theory are keen on assisting employees to deal with stress and the conflicting personalities of other employees (Muller, Maclean & Biggs, 2009).
	Being polite and considerate is a behavior key to the theory of supportive leadership. Politeness in a place of work enables managers to gain trust and love from the workers. Managers become considerate of what the employees are going through and create time to talk to employees on how they can deal with different stressing situations in a place of work. This enables the workers to prefer working with the particular polite managers, leading to high performance and loyalty (Walters, 2000).

	Supportive leadership theory requires that managers treat people as individuals. In this case, the manager focuses on understanding the needs and the attitudes of every individual. They create ties with the workers at a personal level, which enables them to know the workers at a personal level. This is beneficial, when it comes to solving conflicts between workers in the organization. Employees do not like to be considered as a group, especially when something dreadful has happened in an organization. Supportive leadership helps the manager to understand each individual and their behavior, which can be necessary when making crucial decisions.
	Remembering employee detail, such as names, and being patient with the employee when giving instruction is  behavior of the supportive leadership theory. When employees are addressed by their names, they develop a sense of belonging and feel that the management acknowledges their presence in the organization. This increases loyalty and job satisfaction for the employees. Patience is essential for managers as it enables them to understand the employees better (Naqvi et al., 2011). When employees feel that the managers are patient with them when giving instructions, they also become a patient with the compamy and the management and are willing to work for the company for  

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