Surviving Terrorism in Israel

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Surviving Terrorism in Israel
Survival is the act of keeping alive despite facing harsh or difficult conditions. Survival
means persevering difficult occurrences or situations in order to preserve one’s life. In order to
survive a person must put up or overcome the hostile condition through inspired ways. Terror
attacks are a regular occurrence in Israel. The terror attacks are instigated by the ideological
differences between Israel and her neighbors. The religious differences between Israel, a majority
Jewish country, and the majority Muslim countries in the Middle East is another key factor. Since
the inception of Israel in 1948, over 2400 people have been killed in terror attacks and many more
have been wounded (Berger). Therefore, learning to survive the terror attacks is crucial for every
Jew in Israel. The paper will examine the ways of surviving and difficulties faced by Jews in
surviving the rampant terrorism in Israel.
Ways of Coping with Terrorism in Israel
The first way of surviving terrorism is by moving to areas that have a lower occurrence of
terror attacks. Terrorism and bomb attacks are prevalent all over the country (Kirschenbaum, pp.6-
7). However, some areas have a higher prevalence of attacks than other areas (Romanov, Zussman
and Zussman, pp.185). Areas close to the Gaza Strip and West Bank record the highest number of 
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terror attacks and rocket fire in a year (Romanov, Zussman and Zussman, pp.185). Living in these
regions poses a great risk to the life of an Israeli because of the recurrence of attacks. Therefore,
people have learned to avoid settling in these areas. People who already live there have been
transferring to more peaceful regions. Any activities in these areas should be carried out under
heavy security presence. This survival tactic has enabled many Israelis to overcome the threat of
terror and live more peaceful lives (Romanov, Zussman and Zussman, pp.185-186).
Another way to survive in the terrorism-ridden country is by being prepared. All Jews in
Israel live under the threat of a possible terrorist attack. Therefore, it is vital to have the
preparedness to deal with such situations (Kirschenbaum, pp.4-5). The first terror preparedness
technique is to learn first aid skills. First aid skills are important in order to help oneself in case of
a bomb attack or to help the people who have been wounded by the attack. First aid skills are
readily taught by various health care institutions around Israel which also provide people with first
aid kits. Health care facilities also provide prescription medication to help in easing pain or other
symptoms after a terrorist attack. Another preparedness plan is to always have a way to
communicate with relevant security authorities and relatives in case of an attack. A reliable
communication channel will enable an individual to get quick medical attention in case of a bomb
In order to survive terrorist attacks, a Jew should always have adequate water and food
supplies. These resources are vital in case a terrorist attack happens and medical agents or security
forced are unable to access the affected area. People are advised to keep non-perishable food
supplies to increase their chances of surviving longer (Kirschenbaum, pp.6-7). It is important to
have fire extinguishing equipment in the household. Fire extinguishers help in neutralizing any
threats of fire or keeping the threat at bay while seeking a way out of the premises. Another way 
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to survive is to always have knowledge about all the exits available in any building. Such
knowledge is important in case a bomb attack happens and immediate evacuation from the building
is necessary. It is also important that one gets to learn various emergency evacuation techniques
in order to help other people affected by the terrorist attack. Remaining calm and composed helps
people to avoid panicking and aggravating the situation.
Another way to cope with the terrorism and bomb attacks is to have updated knowledge on
the events happening in Israel and in the regions bordering Israel (Waxman). Information can be
gathered from the internet, magazines, television and the radio. Such information is necessary to
help a person to be prepared in case of an impending terror threat. When driving, especially in
regions outside urban areas, one is obliged to have knowledge of the area in the event of an attack
(Kershner). When travelling, it is also necessary to carry a first aid kit and emergency medical
supplies. Informing the relevant security authorities before travelling into danger zones is crucial.
In this way, one will be able to obtain protection during their activities. Israeli citizens are also
necessitated to contact security officers when they detect suspicious activities or packages in the
neighborhood in order to neutralize terror threats before they  

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