Technology Threats

Technology Threats:
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Literature review	2
Reflection of Maori culture	5
References	8
Literature review
The purpose of this section is to review the literature on the impact of technology on health care. There is mixed evidence that technology has an impact on health care. The literature on the impact of health care technology examines outcome indicators such as productivity or output or mortality, as well as intermediate performance indicators such as error rates, cycle times, utilization, and complications. The recurring theme in technology and healthcare research is the role of time lag; empirical evidence often supports the idea that technology investments take a considerable amount of time for users to learn how to use the technology. Technical literature basic research consistent with the technical investment literature seems to be more likely to include complementary investment factors such as business process reengineering and training. These studies have found a positive impact on technology and often include research based on medical literature that portrays a more complex view of the resulting technology investment. These studies typically do not include supplementary investments and often use a “tool view” of technology investments. Research based on medical literature uses more subtle choices of outcomes; compliance with health care is a unique background perspective, including outcome rates such as error rates, differential mortality, utilization, and complication rates. According to Akar, (2015) everyone understands that today technology has become a most significant part of everyone’s daily lives. In other words, in the past few years, new technology begun to affect individual’s personal health and well-being in the real time. Wearable and Embedded sensors at the present tell how far individuals go, incessantly monitor individual’s heart rate as well as make recommendations about how individuals sleep (Akar, 2015). The implantable device provides lifesaving assist that is adequately tracked electronically. Mobile devices as well as cloud-based analytics can simply process large amounts of large data in real time and make few health-related suggestions and recommendations that can have a major impact on individual’s lives. Many experts said that technology life will continue to expand people's boundaries and opportunities in the next decade, and the future world will bring more help to people's lives than harm. However, nearly a third of people believe that digital life is harmful to people's health, mental health and happiness. Individual’s lives are increasingly wrapped up in technology. Most of the communications are now online, and most of the leisure as well as entertainment is offered by the Internet as well as video games, along with it several people have found that phones have become an important part of their connectivity and day to day organization. Along with these new changes in the lifestyle, questions regarding what technology might do for individuals. Some issues revolve around potentially harmful effects that have been a common focus of shocking news articles. As per Bessiere, (2008) some critics believe that individuals are facing a big “unprecedented crisis” that “brain is threatened by the modernized world”, and individuals love for latest technology may become a modernized and 21st century addiction, Facebook is “making individuals change” More" Google is reducing the whole wisdom. The pioneer in this new world is children, particularly teenagers. It is known that children's developing brains are more plastic and more mature than adults' brains. This provides some reasons for the particularly strong focus of children's emerging and trending 24/7 technology related lifestyle, and individuals wisely ask what this means for their education and development (Bessiere, 2010). Therefore, although the evaluation includes research on adults, special emphasis is placed on research on children and adolescents. In addition, video games will receive more attention in the types of technologies considered. This totally reflects their cumulative state in a research literature like a special case of impact of the environment on the brain and brain. The evidence linking those technology-based activities reducing physical activities day by day, however now this technology also affects sleep and this cause a big threat to individual’s health as well as well-being. Particularly, the use of late-night technology is associated with reduced sleep moreover sleep quality, while teenagers and youth who use cell-phones after "lights out" are more susceptible to daytime sleepiness. Cui, Resnick and Cleland, (2011) states that similarly, games might differ from most other types of technologies in their impact on the neurobiological processes, and there are few evidences that even in the evening, they can disrupt their sleep along wi 

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