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Terrorism is a controversial issue in the contemporary society. Based on the perspective of the international community, there is no universally accepted and, legal binding criminal law that fully defines terrorism (Carr, 47).
According to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of violence and force against property or persons; to coerce or intimidate the state government, innocent citizens, or any segment thereof, with the aim of attaining political and social objectives (FBI Annual Report, 2009). On the other hand, US Defense Department defines terrorism as; the use of unlawful violence and force in a calculated manner with the aim to inflict terror in the civilian population; threat to intimidate or coerce governments or segment of societies in pursuit of political, religious or ideological goals.
Both the FBI and US Defense Department define terrorism as the unlawful use of violence or force in pursuit to intimidate or coerce governments or segments of societies to achieve certain goals. 
Characteristics of criminal groups
Criminal groups and terrorist groups share similar characteristics when executing their unlawful activities. Both set of groups explicit a character of indiscriminate use of power, force or violence to innocent civilian population. In order to maintain the status quo in the group, norms and values are formulated to guide group performance. Members are required to conform to group norms and values. Any member, who travels against group norms and values, is sanctioned. Criminal and terrorists groups exhibit a character of splitting into smaller groups; an idea that enhances group activities through delegation of responsibilities. Group members maintain a high level of secrecy and identity.
Media influence of popular culture
Media has played a pivotal role in diffusing popular culture from developed to developing nations. Media has enabled people from different cultural background to interact and exchange information; an idea that has influenced wide spread of popular culture globally. Media stations use renowned celebrities, artists and political figures in advertisements and sales promotion hence disseminating popular culture. 
I commonly access news and information through the use of television. It is the most reliable source of information because news being broadcasted is well prepared, organized, screened and verified. It is also the most respected source of information because it is controlled, monitored and evaluated based on federal information and communication laws.
Internet is a popular source of information but, it is least reliable. This is because there are no effective laws to control internet users thus leading to dissemination of unproven facts.

Works cited
Carr, C. (2007). "Terrorism: Why the definition must be broad." World Policy Journal 24(1):47-50.
 Terrorism in the U.S: Federal Bureau Investigation 2009. Retrieved on 8th August 2012 from http://www.fbi.gov/publications/terror/terroris.htm


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