The Cycle of Violence in Relation to Human Behavior

 I. The Cycle of Violence in Relation to Human Behavior
Human behavior can be defined as the collection of behaviors displayed by human beings, which
result to individual qualities such as genetics and attitude, or social standards such as culture,
philosophies, ethics, laws and social relationships. Human behavior can be classified as that
which is considered normal, unusual or acceptable; in sociology, behavior in itself is
meaningless until directed at others. Human behavior is studied in the disciplines of psychology,
sociology, economics, and anthropology.
The cycle of violence, from a psychological perspective, is a behavior pattern that is deemed
unacceptable. It is a resultant pattern caused by particular influences and expressed in particular
circumstances such as intimate relationships. The cycle of violence theory has a basis on human
behavior as a whole: it explains how human behavior can be influenced by certain factors like
other people’s behavior, as well as the component phases of the individual’s own behavior
(Walker, 2009). There is a link between early exposure to violence and victimization and the
resultant antisocial behavior, which is the cycle of violence. Children that experience abuse at an
early age acquire deviant patterns by which they process social information, and this may result
in the manifestation of aggressive behavior. If we understand this process, we can interrupt its
intergenerational transmission and stop any further violence from taking place. Understanding it
is also relevant since the knowledge that will be gathered can help lessen its prevalence in

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