The Economic Growth of Seattle during the Second World War

The Economic Growth of Seattle during the Second World War
The Second World War was an enormous boost to the economy of Seattle; this was as a result of the depression that the U.S had on the World War II which led to the federal government making up a decision of funding certain industries for production of boats and planes for the U.S military purposely to help the militias on the war. The companies were Boeing plane Production Company of the planes and the Bremerton naval ship yards company for production of the boats. The federals funding of these companies significantly contributed to the growth of Seattle economy. This was through several ways, which include purchase of the products (boats and the planes) from the companies; the government funding made it easy for the company to have high quantity production and manufacture of the boats and planes. Ray Charles, Boeing industrial engineer said `` High production cost for the companies makes it to poor production quantity turnout” (147). He showed how the company had extremely poor production output and not capable of meeting the market demand. Funding from the federal government led to the company reducing its production costs and hence effectively met the demand from the U.S military.
The ready market from the government then made the Boeing Company be in a sustainable growth from efficient production to having efficient market. This then brought led to the rise of fast generation of currency in Seattle hence the economy grew rapidly. Meanwhile, this was an investment plant which was being at a big risk from the U, S enemies the Japanese was in the fight with the US. The risk was the fact that the company was the only one. Which could produce aircraft for the fight and the Japanese were in search of it. The risks involved made the company importance for the Federal Government. In addition, it put the Boeing air craft factories in the west coast under netting for hide from the Japanese aircraft attacks. There was construction of fake houses to mark the air craft production factories. This included fake trees on top of the factories to make sure that the Japanese aircrafts could not access the factories. 
The main activity in the City before the start of the Second World War was logging and mining from other cities like Alaska which was maintaining the Seattle’s economy until the First World War. Parl Jim, 96) economic researcher who was highly interested in international trade wrote `` extraction of natural resources in the world leads to high economic boost” (96). His book shows how logging and mining led to economic growth in Seattle. After the First World War, the economy slowed down and highly affected its growth. Before the Second World War, Seattle also had some economic boom mainly from the Klondike gold rush which ended a depression which was there since 1893. At this time, Seattle became the principal transport center for the miners in Alaska and Yukon. This gold torch then brought the economy of Seattle stable began to slow down.
The Boeing air craft and boat company had boosted the economy due to its employment provision employing about seventy thousand people and with sales of less than ten thousand dollars a year, which was spectacular business for Seattle. Williams, Bletcher, Seattle’s program developers during the Second World War concluded ``Economic growth begins in individual level” (59, 78). Due to the sales and employment provision, the Seattle economy boomed up. 
In the years leading to the Second World War, Boeing Company improved its construction by producing more convenient planes for the war. Salmon Nickel, Boeing aeronautical advisor said that production of pure metal and a single wing plane purposely for military use was the company objective, (183). They also had better wings development accompanied with considerable multiple power plant technology for its efficiency in speed and power. There was also installation of directional radios for better flights especially at night. The estimated production of the B-17 was 16 of them produced per day which was a unusually high production rate. This production then brought about high marketing for the air craft and the boat company hence maximizing the growth of Seattle’s economy through serious money circulation in within the country.
Seattle received significant funding and production companies attracted more immigrants to the City which was also an economic boost to the country. This migration was taking place mainly due to excellent employment opportunities which erupted for the production process in the Boeing factories. It then attracted exceptionally high population growth in the Seattle City. This population was mainly providing labor to the plane and the boat factories hence becoming a source of employment to them.
Seattle was made up of natives; continued migration of these natives was common due to the employment opport 

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