The Gun Violence in United States


The Gun Violence in United States

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In the last few decades, the issue of gun violence has raised an intensely heated debate from the public, government quotas and even the international community. Statistics from the state deferral defence affirm that gun violence cases have increased by 50% in the last five years. In every 100 criminal cases reported daily, gun violence crimes account for eighty percent. This fact places the life of innocent civilians at a risk and questions the state of insecurity in the country (Michael, 2002). A greater percentage of criminal offences related to gun violence are committed in the outskirts of main cities and towns in the country. A similar phenomenon prevails in the upcountry side but at a lower rate compared to urban areas. Over the years, gun violence crimes were committed by criminals aged above thirty five years and affiliated to certain gangs. However, this is no longer the case as the number of young people indulging in criminal and deviant behaviour has increased tremendously. In certain occasions, juveniles below 13 years have been involved in criminal activities and convicted in a court of law; an idea that compels people to question the role of parenting in the contemporary family. 
The increase in gun violence crimes can be attributed to a number of factors ranging from political, social to economic, but in different proportions. However, researches indicate that high unemployment rate among the youths is the contributing factor in this issue. Majority of the youths are highly educated, knowledgeable, high skilled and talented but, jobless. They are unable to meet their daily needs and decide to indulge in criminal activities to earn a living. It is in respect the paper analyses the gun violence crime in United States.
	Gun violence involving prominent and highly ranked government official is rampant. Historically, gun violence crime has not only claimed thousands of innocent civilians but also eminent and highly profiled states officials. Excellent example includes the assassinations of Martin Luther king, President William McKinley and Robert Kennedy. Since then, several instances of gun violence have taken place. For instance, the recent Tucson and sniper shooting and Virginia massacre where hundreds of people died and thousands had severe injuries (Eric, 2012). 
	According to United Nation office on Drugs and Crime report (UNODC 2007) 53, 500 of deaths were intentional, and 23,450 resulted from non fatal gun shots. Most of deaths occurring in the country were related to suicide (55.8) and firearms which accounted for40.2%. The report further affirmed that 60% of the suicidal deaths were related to homicide. This is attributed to the high number of guns and firearms operating in the public domain. According to the constitution, civilians have the right to own a gun and use it for self defence. However, some people misinterpret this clause and perpetuate gun violence crimes through acquiring and using guns illegally.
	In order to contain the vice, the state and federal governments have formulated and enacted several gun policies. These includes: restricting juveniles and other risk set of people  from possessing  gun or firearms, introducing “buy back” programs, imposing severe sanctions on law breakers, educating the public on the effects of guns and firearms through public campaigns and making substantial amendments and alterations in gun laws. Some of the measures are effective in addressing the issue, but more effort is required to resolve the issue completely.
	 Strain theory states that crime results from imbalance between cultural goals and institutionalized means (Agnew, 2009). Every person desires to have certain valuable things such as a house, a car and family. These things make life more comfortable and valuable. However, in order to achieve these cultural goals, one need to be educated which is an institutionalized means. However, education cannot be afforded by all people; an idea that compels those disadvantaged to engage in criminal activities. In this case, the government should create job opportunities so that to curb gun violence crimes.
	Over the years, gun violence has remained a thorny issue to the government. The number of gun violence crime has increased steadily thus raising a concern to the involved parties. The government has enacted several gun policies but in vain. The issue of gun violence can be resolved when the government creates jobs opportunities to the youths.

Agnew, R. (2009). "Revitalizing Merton: General Strain Theory." Advances in Criminological Theory: The Origins of American Criminology, Volume 16, edited by F.T. Cullen, F. Adler, C.L. Johnson, and A.J. Meyer. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction
Michael Moore (2002), It's the Guns - Bu 

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