The Impact of Tourism in the Internet

 1 Dissertation Proposal:
 The Impact of Tourism in the Internet 
The research that was conducted is related to the study on the probable issue to be covered in relation to tourism. Through the study of the issues that are affecting the field of tourism, one of the concerns that can be noted is in relation to the role of the internet and information technology in the impact of tourism. The effects of the information technology specifically the internet on the processes involved in tourism became one of the most significant topics. A planned course of work is set to be able to present a particular point of view regarding the issue. 2 Introduction In the present society, there are issues that can be considered to hold a significant role and achieve the attention of the public. Through the point of view of global relationships and tourism, the essential function being undertaken by the information technology specifically the internet became one of the most noteworthy issues. Background of the Study A. The Field of Tourism and Hospitality In the study of the factors that can affect the tourism and the international relationship of different countries and nature, one of the important notions and concepts that often becomes the focus of the field of study are the factors that contribute to the improvement and those that hinder and may cause detrimental effects to the service of hospitality that can be offered by a group or locality. On the basis of the study conducted regarding the tourism activity, it was determined that there is an increasing trend in the movement of people, both incoming and outgoing. These can be attributed to different factors. One of these factors is the cost of travel that had evolved from being a luxury to becoming a necessity. This can be related to the fact that there is an increasing need for travel, mostly for reasons related to work and business. In such trend, globalization can be considered to have an important role in the dynamics of tourism (Butler and Pearce, 1999). The effects of information dissemination and promotions are important keys in the success of the increase in the percentage of tourism in a locality, country or even in a particular establishment (Johnston, 1998; Smith, 2003). In relation to the tools in tourism, the present development of information technology can be viewed due to the versatility in role that the said innovation is undertaking in different fields. 3 B. The Role of the Internet In the light of the modern era, one of the most important technological prowess had been achieved is the technology of communication through the cyber network. The internet technology was recognized as one of the important tools in the process of communication (Johnston, 1998). This can be conferred as one of the reasons for the recognition as a tool in a variety of field of industries. Aside from the status of the internet and information technology as an essential tool specifically through the process of modernization and globalization in different industries, there are other functions of the technology that can be considered to be recognized. The advancement of the information technology of a nation or locality can be considered as a yardstick for development. For this reason, the road of progress often involves the application of the tools of communication (Crank and Pigg, 2005). Due to the application of the internet technology along with other tools of communication in an extensive expanse of applications, tourism cannot be exempted to the groups and organizations in the society that can perceive the importance and thus the application as well. On the basis of internet as an important tool, the impact that can be brought about by the internet in the field of tourism can be considered as an important topic of query Statement of the Problem In relation to the impact that can be brought about by the internet in different areas of application and study, the probable effects that can be attributed to the said technology specifically in application are needed to be placed into perspective. To be able to achieve the maximization of benefits in the utilization of the internet technology in the field of tourism, there 4 is a need for an improvement in the level of interest and knowledge of the different dynamics between the two concepts. One the basis of the presented notion on the area to be covered, the main target of the study shall revolve on the concept of the importance of internet technology in the field of tourism. Is the online and internet application in tourism and hospitality important? What is the level of importance? Can be it be considered a necessity or a tool to the field? Objectives of the Study The objective of the research is to determine the impact of internet technology on the basis of a qualitative descriptive research of the subject. Specifically the study is aimed to achieve the following objectives: 1. To present a background study of the re 

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