The influence of culture on body image and appearance

The influence of culture on body image and appearance
	There are many communities living in different parts of the world. Every community is endowed with its own cultural values, beliefs, customs, rituals and moral codes distinct from other tribes. Culture is simply defined as the peoples’ way of life. Culture is tremendously crucial in the survival and development of any given community because it is within the facet of culture that societal values, moral codes and belief are inculcated on children. Children through the process of socialization learn how to use certain tools, equipments and technologies associated with their community. This move is imperative as it enables members of the community cope and adapt effectively in the environment. Cultural values determine how people interact, relate and behave in different situations thus maintaining order and status quo. Laws and rules that govern the whole community are grounded on cultural aspects and every member is obliged to obey. Members who travel against cultural norms are sanctioned according to cultural mores principles. Sanctions imposed on law violators differ from one community to other and are imposed based on the offence committed and its magnitude. In some communities, sanctions imposed on law breakers are severe and may involve excommunicating the person from the community, labelling the person as an outcast as well as killing the offender.
	Broadily speaking, culture shapes the way people think, react to situations, behave and interact with each other in certain events. This is a clear indication that people behave different because of disparity in cultural values, norms, moral codes and beliefs. 
	Studies have shown that different communities express their cultural values differently. However, despite the cultural differences, most communities express their culture through food, dressing code, decorating their bodies, dances, songs and rituals performance to name but a few. Anthropologists have affirmed that a relationship exists between culture and how members of the community perceive body beauty and image among men and women (Spradley, et al., 78). In most communities, women beauty and attractiveness is valued, and it is expressed through body image. For instance, slim and slender women are perceived more attractive in westernized cultures whereas fat women are more attractive in African cultures. On the other hand, men body image accounts for their handsomeness and it is expressed in many ways. However, many communities, tall, strong and masculine men are more attractive than slim, whereas other communities perceive slim men attractive. 
	Today, many communities have abandoned their culture and traditions and assumed westernized culture. This fact is attributed to the emergence of the industrial revolution coupled with globalization that has led to cultural diffusion in the world. People have adapted to sedentary way of life which is, more inclined to western culture. However, one tribe that still holds high esteem on its culture and traditions is the Nacirema. 
	Nacirema is one of the tribes found in the northern part of America in regions such as Canadian Cree, Mexico and Arawak. The tribe has rich cultural values and heritage which, are  practiced until today. However, despite the rich cultural values and heritage in Nacirema community, not much is known about their origin and expression of body image, attractiveness and beauty. Professor Linton; an anthropologist is regarded the first person to interact with Nacirema people and document their culture, two decades ago. Since then, not much focus has been relayed on the Nacirema culture with the aim of understanding their way of life in detail.
	Naricema culture has evolved from the primitive and natural habitat to a highly developed market economy. Members of the community engage in different economic activities such as trading, farming and hunting, to name but a few. However, in his study, Linton established that rituals practices were a significant cultural aspect that consumed a considerable amount of peoples’ time. All the activities performed during rituals ceremonies revolved around the human body, its appearance and healthy condition (Murdock, 200). According to Nacirema ethos, the human body is a concern to all members of the community who devote much of their time in protecting and beautifying it through rituals.
	According to Nacirema culture, people hold the view that the human body is ugly in nature and vulnerable to diseases and rituals are the only way to maintain body functions. Every family has as a shrine where body rituals are performed. The ritual is sacred, and it is performed by medicine men. The shrine is a sacred place where every member of the family is required to show respect by bowing before the shrine chest. 
	Nacirema culture is expressed through Mouth-Rite where people believe that the condition has supernatural po 

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