The medical model of disability is quite inaccurate.

Your topic: The medical model of disability is quite inaccurate. TheSchool of Pain theme has much more
relevance to the representation of disability in the twentieth and twenty-first as well as the nineteenth
centuries. Discuss with reference to the representation of disabled children and young people.
Your topic's description: Your third assignment will be a 3,000 word on an aspect of the representations
and experiences of children and young people. It will enable you to explore a topic which interests you in
depth and to read widely. Criteria for assessment Refer to appropriate concepts and theories (about
representations and experiences of children and young people). Demonstrate the ability to construct a
critical argument, drawing on wide reading and thinking. Be written with accurate grammar and spelling,
and be correctly referenced using the Harvard system. You may choose either the UK or a more
international context
Your desired style of citation:
Your educational level:
Refrencing Style: APA Referencing
Number of page: 12
Words 3000
The Medical Model of Disability Is Quite Inaccurate
[Student’s Name]
[Name of Institution]
The Medical Model of Disability Is Quite Inaccurate
Disabled people have arrived at a different „model‟ to help
understand the situation. They are challenging people to give up the idea
that disability is a medical problem requiring „treatment‟, but to
understand instead that disability (distinct from impairment ) is a
problem of exclusion from ordinary life. Requiring a change in society‟s
values and practices in order to remove the barriers to participation that
truly discriminate against disabled people. It is clear that this is possible
and is starting to happen, e.g. changing steps into ramps, providing
information in Braille or other formats, valuing different learning styles
(Rieser, 2004).
This in turn will have a positive impact on creating a barrier-free
society the contributions and talents of all its citizens will bring in the
high benefit and rightful place for disabled people will assure in
education, the labour force and various other facets of community life.
The aim of this paper is to establish that the medical model of disability
is quite inaccurate; the school of pain theme has much more relevance to
the representation of disability in the twentieth and twenty-first as well
as the nineteenth centuries. This paper has discussed with reference to
the representation of disabled children and young people (Falvo, 2013).
The Medical Model of Disability
The medical model is often known as the „personal tragedy
The Medical
The two main
groups to
think about
model‟ because it regards the difficulties that people with impairments experience as being
caused by the ways that their bodies are shaped and experienced. It sees disability purely as a
problem of the individual, without any discrimination between the impairment faced and the
disability itself. “Any economic or social deprivation encountered by disabled people was
located within the individual and their impairment (Crow, 2010).”
The medical model is summarized best by demoting to the International Classification of
Impairments, Handicaps and disabilities developed by the World Health Organisation in 1980.
The following distinctions are made by this classification:
„Any loss or abnormality of psychological, anatomical structure or function or physiological is
‘Impairment (Crow, 2010).
Disability is ‟any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform
an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being‟.
For instance, one may be a wheelchair user. His or her disability is regarded as being related to
the facts, for instance, that one cannot climb the stairs in his or her house or walk to the shops.
One may be partially-sighted. His or her disability is regarded as being related to the fact, for
instance, that one cannot read information in „standard‟ size print. One may be brain injured. His
or her disability is regarded as being related to the fact, for instance, that one cannot speak as
quickly as other people (Rieser, 2004).
The societies in which we live from a Medical Model viewpoint is considered as being
just fine so long as the majority of people who do not have significant impairments (identified as
„normal‟) are able to go about their daily business within them. It is people who have
impairments (identified as „abnormal‟) who are identified as being the problem. This is why
disabled people often experience pressures to undergo treatment or therapy in order to be made 
„more normal‟. Normality is highly valued and abnormality is thought of as being undesirable
(Brosco, 2010).
Representation of Disability
The classi 

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