The operation management processes

The operation management processes of the organization play the important role through which all resources are integrated for the purpose of achieving certain pre-specified objectives (Gou, Huang, Liu and Li, 2003). This enables management to integrate all related resources and support business activities for creating the competitive edge in the marketplace. The present report is based on Deliveroo; a British online food delivery medium sized business situated in London.. The daily operation of the business is based on orders placed by customers via website and the delivery is made from company’s varied transportation facilities such as motorcycle, bicycle or car couriers from restaurants to customers. The company has contacted with several restaurants to bridge the gap between customers and company with the employment of 13000 personnel (Deliveroo, 2016). The wide spread network of Deliveroo cover large areas such as Spain, Ireland, France, Netherland, UK, Italy, Australia and Singapore etc. The money is made by the business through the commission fee charged from restaurants and fee charge by the customers per order. In this regard, Deliveroo offers fast service for just £2.50 and generated revenue worth £129 million by 2016 (Deliveroo, 2017) The company operates with its online channel and offer opportunities for customers get their desired products with just a click. The company decided to expand across the nation during 2015 with $16-million funding round led by Accel Partners (Deliveroo, 2017)
The report covers analysis of key operation processes of the firm with the inclusion of aspects of waste management and cost reduction for meeting the expectations of end users. On the other hand, the actual performance of the business has been analyzed with the identification or critical discussion of 5 performance objectives. Additionally, the supply chain of the company has been critically analyzed for a demonstration of supplier relationship management and timely delivery of services. Moreover, recommendations have been provided for the improvement in the operation of the business.
Analyzing the key operations management processes used in Deliveroo
There are different operation management models used by the organizations in order to produce the end product for the customers. There are different types of operation management models such as process, product and service. These models are used in accordance with a requirement of the business (Fitzsimmons, Fitzsimmons and Bordoloi, 2008). Since Deliveroo is dealing with the online delivery of eatables, so it follows process management in which company hire suitable or competent personnel who can effectively cater the requirement of end users. For this purpose, management of Dliveroo ensures that it has the good quality of vehicles which can be helpful in transferring the food from one to another place. At this juncture, vehicles contain both hot and cool storage whereby food remains in the same situation as it is delivered by the restaurants. The daily operation of Deliveroo has been demonstrated as follows-
The matrix structure is followed in the Deliveroo for handling the rapid growth of the business. This enables management to deliver the product end users and meet that expectation of large number of buyers.
Generally, all companies have a single thing as the common as they all provide input for getting the desired output. For this purpose, different ways are used by the companies where major ways are explained as follows with the help of 4Vs. The 4 Vs model facilitates to explain the operation process of particular business through which company can easily being the modification in the requirement department of the company (Stevenson and Hojati, 2007). This reflects how business is carried out or input is converted into the desired product for accomplishing long as well as short-term objectives of the business.
•	Volume-The volume of output plays important role in determine the effective way to processes the internal operation. The Deliveroo is dealing with the online delivery services only. Owing to this, its volume of output is greater as it workers several restaurants on the basis of set criteria. However, the route decided for taking the food is not same but the procedure is same. It is considered as the repeated task for the business so as to save the time and associated. It leads to deliver services quickly and generate higher revenue for the company. At this juncture, the company wants customers to place the minimum order worth £15 with the delivery charges £2.5 (Deliveroo, 2017). The below mentioned picture is showing the internal operation of the business to manage the high volume of order. For example, separate department are formed for packaging which enables customer to get their order in an effectual form.
•	Variety- In the context of various dimension, Deliveroo is considered as the one the best organizations as it deals wit 

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