The psychological basis for terrorism and terrorists

The psychological basis for terrorism and terrorists
1.0 Introduction
The present research paper sheds light on the evidences that explain the psychological basis for
terrorism and terrorists. The paper summarizes the agreeing and disagreeing responses and
approaches of the accredited scholars and practitioners both regarding the terrorist organizations.
Structurally, the essay explores mindsets of people joining the terrorist organizations followed by
the evaluation relevance of psychopathology and individual personality for understanding or
preventing terrorism. Correspondingly, the paper summarizes the vulnerabilities of the terrorist
groups so as to measure its impact on the economic stability of a nation. The main theme or the
thesis statement for this paper is to determine the psychological basis for terrorism and terrorists.
2.0 People join terrorist organizations
In literature, Hudson (1999) specified that psychology of terrorism is determined to be marked
more by theory and opinion both. In fact, many accredited scientists and investigators have
started to assemble reliable data indicating the factors that drives people to join terrorist
organizations. Borum (2007) explained that behavioral factors are more likely to shape the
decisions among people about joining the terrorist organizations. In terrorist organizations,
recruitment tends to involve people with alienated and angry behavior. People believing that
their existing political involvements are not enough and effective in bringing real change are
more likely to get involved in such organizations. In likewise manner, people perceiving
themselves as victims of the social justice prefer to take such extreme actions. Moreover, Borum
(2014) argued that people joining the terrorist organizations possess the strong mindsets that
engaging in violent acts is not the immoral state. They consider their involvement in terrorist 
organizations as a social and psychological reward which mainly includes a sense of adventure,
identity and camaraderie. On the other hand, Phillips (2015) stated that people joining terrorist
organizations possess individual characteristics that are beyond psychological attributes. The
social and economic disturbance is also a main factor that enhances people’s preference towards
the involvement in such violent acts. In accordance to Borum (2014), the cultural values play a
significant role in paradoxical involvement of people with terrorist organizations. The cultural
values trigger the sense among people which reduced the unconscious fear of death. This sense
significantly underlies the motivation of creating reactions for society among them.
3.0 Relevance of psychopathology for understanding or preventing terrorism
In psychopathology, the mental disorders are collectively analyzed in accordance with the mental
health of people. In the case of terrorism, psychopathology is the major factor that drives the
interest and preference among people about participating in terrorist based violent acts (Louis
2015). In accordance to Borum (2014), terrorism is phenomenological approach of narcissism
which described the constant statement of deficient. The key emphasize of terrorist based acts is
to give rise to the psychopathology because it naturally follows the human disaster. Certainly,
Coppock and McGovern (2014) argued that in some senses, the theory of terrorism can represent
or picture the psychopathology of people against society and culture. Basically, in the current
era, security environments are likely to question terrorism among gravest of threats. The massive
resources including governmental and private sectors are committed towards preventing
terrorism across the globe. However, Kruglanski, Jasko, Chernikova, Dugas and Webber (2017)
cited that psychopathology is the evident source or reason that synthesizes terrorism among
people. To be specific, certain psychological behaviors are there that influence the scientific, 
legal and logical discipline among people. It necessarily gives rise to the approaches relating to
productive and reasonable aspects of human behavior. Generally, Williams and Lindsey (2014)
stated that psychopathology can influence ideological, civilian, religious and political approaches
and objective among people. In fact, it is regarded as an intentional reason that drives terrorist
organizations across the globe.
4.0 Relevance of individual personality for understanding or preventing terrorism
In psychological studies, individual personality traits are defined as the attributes that forms
human behavior. These individual traits depict the distinction among people. The personality
traits involving psychological behaviors including likes and dislikes are the factors that motivate
people to understand or prevent terrorism. In certain cases, the individual personality of the
people showing their faith and believe in cultural aspe 

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