The Winch-It Manufacturing Company

 Executive Summary
The Winch-It Manufacturing Company was founded to fill the market gap for fishing and recreational boating needs of the people of Western Australia in the World War II period. This business venture having been co-founded by two brothers who began as mechanical engineers to meet the mentioned needs since the country was cut off from the world supply of these products. The design is peculiar and functional, attracted the loyalty and new customers like the Navy and other defence departments. This escalated to the establishment of the Winch-It. With the market demands evolving and the dynamic growth of Winch-It, it is necessary to expand the reach of the organization beyond the boundaries of the nation. This venture is a journey which may cripple the whole organization if it not faced with agility and conformity. Therefore, a need for this assessment to give a practical way forward to the exploration of new markets overseas is created.

The Winch-It Manufacturing Company has created deep trust and attracted customer loyalty. Since the conception of the company, Winch-It has been attracting a reputation for their service and quality that the founders infuse in the design, creating a brand that has been admirably across many in Australia including several departments in defence office. The Navy has been sourcing for winches that have been particularly made and designed by the Winch-It. This demand being set up on the company has jolted a great deal of improvement expansion for the company.

With them the quality was being demanded by sailors both recreational and professional who used the products for either fishing or sailing the waves. Many felt that the excellence in the design is “Naval”.

The design and level of quality inserted into the products were based on the Winch-It’s a philosophy for quality manufacturing, and the need to serve their market who has been loyal since the Second World War. It is during this period that the organization experienced strict, great and notable increment in the manufacturing sector as well as the design to meet both the needs of the military and the local market. Their philosophy to serve the market reliably with quality products which have the operational functionality, it was created for has made the organization to be acknowledged and appreciated.

With the great influence and growth that the company is facing, it has reached a point where the market has grown smaller and need to fit into new shoes has come. Being a giant in the local market has leads to the need for exploration of new markets. This requires that the market giants go back to the drawing board and redo their market and manufacturing structure so that they include the international market. Where it has taken the company 200 employees to reach their present position in the Australian market, it may take a large group of employees who will bet the company to an international competitive sport. However, expansion of a company is not all that matters, the quality of the products and the reliability of service offered should not diminish at all.

Organizational Context
The detail and structure of the Winch-It company is based on the philosophy and the market’s demand. As much as the statement “the devil is in the details” goes, the greatness of the same also is limited and tamed by the same details. Winch-It prides its reputation upon the quality of the products produced and the design nonetheless. Therefore, for the success of the international market, the organization has to maintain the domestic business while incorporating some of the international labour.

The most suitable organizational structure for Winch-It should be the Matrix Organizational Structure. This strategy is suitable since it is the merging of the functional and the International organizational structure (Rowlinson 2001).

The Functional Organizational Structure
Since the quality and reputation of the design should be maintained in the international market as well as the local market (Rowlinson 2001, p. 670). This would mean that the specialized departments in the headquarters company such as the design faculty, the operations and manufacturing sector and the quality assessment department have to be the same so as to offer the desire standard quality of boat accessories and in the spirit of the Company, maximize the economies of scale with the expanding market (Bowditch, Boone and Stewart 2007).

International Division Organizational Structure
The company slogan, “Sail with Quality”, in the formative stages of Winch-It led to the subdivision of the various departments which are connected and depend on each other so as to produce quality products.

For the company to grow and increase their influence in the international market, need to learn the foreign market by first testing the waters by supplying the potential markets with some of the best franchise to assess the need for the demand.  

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