Theories of Teamwork and Motivation

Motivation can be understood from the terms or conditions that activate the body, leading to
certain conduct directed objectives. It has to do with the driving force that leads the individuals
to perform certain actions with a specific purpose. That driving force can come from the
environment or may be generated by mental processes within the individual. Teamwork refers to
the number of strategies, procedures and methodologies used by a group of people to achieve
certain goals or goals. It relates to the team. In the workplace, any company, institution or
organisation is comprised of a group of people who must work together towards a goal
previously planned end. This paper presents how the change in Bricotex Ltd can affect the
motivating attitude of the employees and provides theories that recommend and consider
implementation in order to maintain that environment in the company between employees. 
Theories of Teamwork and Motivation 4
1. Introduction
One of the most important theories of HRM (Human Resource Management is that of
‘Motivation’. The purpose of this theory is to explain the role of an organisation in order to
encourage its people to put in the best of their efforts and abilities in a way that will help further
in achieving better outcomes for the business and organisation’s goals (Armstrong, 2001). There
are various techniques that can be adopted to motivate people for instance, rewards,
punishments, actions to satisfy needs, psychological processes etc. This world is developing at a
rapid pace and due to this development and quick changes; new ways of working and managing
organisations have emerged. These highly cooperated working styles have also appeared such as
the new work practice as teams: parallel, work, project and management etc. In today’s world the
use of team and teamwork is expanding more than ever and is dramatically responsive towards
competitive challenges. According to a survey almost about 82 percent of the companies with
100 or more employees have reported to be using teams for competitive tasks (Gordon, 1992).
In this report a detailed literature is given about the importance of team work and
motivation on the basis of various theories that directly relate to the current situation of Bricotex
Ltd. The report provides knowledge about how valuable team work can help Bricotex family
work through one of the biggest change in the history of the company effectively and without
any hurdles. It cannot be denied that teamwork has always been regarded as the key towards staff
development (Beal, 2003) and businesses and organisations have always benefited themselves
from successfully motivating people working in teams. The main focus of this paper is to present
the benefits and approaches of motivating people working in teams depending on various
situations mainly the change. 
Theories of Teamwork and Motivation 5
As teamwork is widespread at present, especially at work places, it is an effective and
beneficial tool for businesses to grow. Teamwork has always been a part of the organisational
structure however some countries adopted it sooner and some are relatively new to this
phenomenon. For instance, UK and China, as UK had this working style in practice for years but
China is new in this area. Team work and motivation is not only important for the operation of a
successful organisation but also provide greater understanding of management.
2. Discussion
The environment of working sector is changing constantly due to the rapid development of
technology. Particularly, businesses deal with stern competition on daily basis. Accordingly, if a
business would want to succeed in the world of corporate and become a leading organisation, it
has to be highly aware of its effectiveness, capability and productivities and make good use of its
resources in order to achieve business excellence (Samson and Challis, 2002). Personnel are the
most important resource of which can undoubtedly have the strongest and direct effect on the
progress of an organisation and its success. In addition, work performance is very important for
business growth. In result to that, it is vital for a business to discover new ways and
methodologies in HRM areas in order to benefit the long-term development of a business.
HRM is the heart of ever organisation, the most fundamental functional area that is required
to make sure that the effectiveness of the work and high level of performance is sustained,
aiming for a constantly developing business. In today’s organisation where motivating
employees is getting more difficult with each coming day, there are needs to discover more
techniques and ways other than just monetary incentives. Team work, one of the oldest tact
however newly adopted by many organisations, is being used effectively to motivate employees 
Theories of Teamwork and Motivation 6
towards a better future for the organisation and is prevalent nowada 

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