Time Management Can Achieve Success at University for GCU Students

Time Management Can Achieve Success at University for GCU Students

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	The concept of time management has been addressed in many sectors of development. Time is a non renewable resource, available to all people in the world. However, majority of the students in institutions of higher learning fail to utilize time effectively; an idea that contributes to poor performance in class, academic stress and psychological dysfunctions. The study examines how time management can achieve success at the university among GCU students. Qualitative and quantitative research methods will be used coupled with explanatory cross-sectional survey research design.  Structured and unstructured questionnaires will be used in data collection. Pie charts, tables and bar graphs will be used in representing analysed data. Excel Spread Sheet together with a Statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) will be employed in analysing data.
	Time is one of the most valuable resources man has at his disposal. It is an imperative ingredient towards attaining social, political and economic goals both at the individual, national and regional echelons. Every day, people from all walks of life and in different careers engage in varied activities with the aim of attaining their life goals and improve their living standards. However, in order to performance effectively at work and in social life, one is required to factor in the concept of time management. 
	Over the years, the concept of time management was mainly addressed in organizations, companies and industries. Employees were required to manage time effectively so that to meet deadlines, increase productivity and maintain organization identity and reputation in the public domain. Time management was analysed from a macro perspective rather than at the micro level. 
	However, the concept of management should not only be addressed in organizations, industries and companies but also in learning institutions. Most students affirm that time management are one of the key factors affecting their academic performance (Palmer& Schoorman, 2007).  A greater percentage of students are fond of submitting class assignment, term papers and course work later as they fail to plan and manage their time effectively.  In a similar vein, majority of students do their class assignment a few hours to the deadline; an idea that adversely affect their academic performance. Studies indicate that effective time management skills directly influence the student’s academic performance and social life (Kearns, & Gardiner 2007). Those students, who effectively manage their time, tend to score highly in academic performance and social life. This is based on the fact that effective time management reduces stress, depression and anxiety on students thus making learning an enjoyable course. On the other hand, students facing the challenge of time management suffer from academic stress, depression and other psychological disorders (Kelly, 2002). This is because they are compelled to cram large volume of information for a short time. They also suffer from disorganization and worries attributed to less sleep.
	In last few years, the level of academic performance at the university has decreased steadily, especially among GCU students. This has raised a concern both from the student, parents and the entire university fraternity. A number of factors have played a key role in lowering academic performance but, time management is the main factor. 
	Students in high institutions waste most of their valuable time on attending parties, visiting friends, watching movies and going out with their peers. Such activities culminate to ineffective time management and, attribute to dismal academic performance among the students (Misra, & McKean, 2000). However, it imperative to state that such activities do not solely affect students’ academic performance but also promotes social interaction and cohesiveness among the students. The bottom line is the fact that students should maintain a balance between their academic life and social life through implementing effective time management strategies.
	With the current stiff competition in the labour market, learning institutions are faced with the task of improving their academic credentials so that they can produce highly skilled graduates who meet the needs and desires of the current labour market. Today, most employers have set their standards at a high rank, and it is only students who are highly qualified can be hired to occupy such positions. However, one way to ensure that learning institutions adeq 

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