U.S Security Policy in Asia Pacific with Respect to the Rise of China and how it has changed


U.S Security Policy in Asia Pacific with Respect to the Rise of China and how it has changed


United States of America security policies tend to outdo the Chinas’ interest over Asian –pacific. There are main areas that have made China to develop interest on Asian- Pacific region such as the Periphery stability, strategic environment and the political neutrality of Taiwan (Chen ets al. 2010, P. 55)
	Chinas’ major concern is the stability of the Korean Peninsula but also the United States have shown interest on this area. It has sort to unify the Korea Peninsula by the policies made in Washington However, the interest of the United States is a threat to China. To China the security of the surrounding is very vital so as to maintain security in the region (Kuchins 2007, P. 323).  Secondly, the unification of the security arrangements of Korea is very important. This is because of the future trends of reconciliation, trade and security purposes.  
	U.S republicans are in the fear of the security ambitions that the Chinese have towards Asia and worldwide as accommodating the Chinese in the American government will outdo the U.S security policy effectiveness. This has made China to pose as a major competitor of U.S in formulating, and implementing security policies (Shambaugh ets al. 2008, P. 123). China’s main point is advancing their military forces in order to overthrow the other superpowers with their might and to dominate this region.
	The China’s rise has had little direct and rather negative impact on the U.S interests and leadership in Asia. China des oppose U.S leadership in several ways, and danger exists that such opposition could grow in importance as china expands relations and influence in Asia. China, also poses as an alternative to U.S leadership for several Asian states, encouraging them to move away from past close alignment with the United States. On balance, the main recent problems for US interests and leadership in Asia appear to lie elsewhere with china having little direct bearing to the issues.
	It is crucial to note that, the main influencers of China’s rising and influence in Asia are not closely related to the key determinants recently affecting U.S control and leadership in Asia. This partly reflects the design of Chinese leaders.
	The Chinese leaders remain determined that whatever possible, china’s rising influence should not be seen as a threat to its neighbors and especially the United States. Reflecting on the U.S ability to exert influence on China to get her to stop doing things it would ordinarily be inclined to do (Kuchins 2007, P. 323).  Chinese leaders also viewed that, by directly confronting American interests could lead to opposition from the newly elected Bush administration that might seriously impede china’s efforts to develop economically and military.
	In recent years, Chinese officials have sought to minimize American concern over china’s growth through various means. Notably is an extensive diplomatic effort to persuade Americans and other observers that china intends to rise peacefully and, if possible, in close cooperation with the United States (Shambaugh ets al. 2008, P. 123). The Chinese diplomatic effort highlights the negative experiences of previous fast rising powers: Germany before World War I, and Japan before World War II. Established powers seem to have viewed the rising powers as threats, united against them, and ultimately destroyed them. While few Chinese leaders see the U.S superpower leading an effort to destroy china. They recognize that united states led opposition to aspects of china’s rise could seriously impede Chinese development, posing serious complications for Chinese political stability and economic development. 
	There are many factors that make the security policy of the U.S to have a great impact on Asia. However, these factors have posed to be a threat to Chinas’ interest on Asia. 

The existing balance of power
	The difficulties in assessing and measuring influence among governments, as well as differences between determinants of china’s recent importance and influence in Asia and determinants of U.S leadership and influence in Asia, it is sometimes difficult to compare and contrast Chinese and U.S power and influence in the region and to assess the implications of China’s rising influence on U.S leadership in Asia. Nonetheless, one can briefly review the successes and setbacks in china’s improved relations with neighboring governments, assessing whether and to what degree has china gained in relations with Asian governments relative to the U.S relations with these countries.
The existing balance of power
	The difficulties in assessing and measuring influence among governments, as well as differences between determinants of china’s recent importance and influence in Asia and determinants of U.S leadership and influence in Asia, it is sometimes difficult 

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