Virgin Group Analysis

Virgin Group Analysis
Nowadays, technology is drastically developing in almost every aspect of business. Ecommerce is not an exception. Moreover, it is recognised as the most modern aspect of the
technology influencing organizations that are looking for new customers to expand the
competitive marketplace; it helps to draw the customers' attention through customization of
their offerings. Additionally, it functions to ensure efficiency and effectiveness via
Background and the Problem
The process of conducting commercial transactions through digital networks, Internet,
and other similar technologies can be termed as e-commerce. While retailing involves a direct
selling of products or services to a user, multi-purpose business presupposes serving such
multiple products and services to customers. Differentiation is the process of presenting its
offerings as unique and different from those offered by market competitors. Various patterns
of e-commerce applications are helpful in obtaining comparative uniqueness of retail/multipurpose businesses in terms of internet service, network facilities, cable networking, and
digital channels.
For this reason, many mega or even local retailers are nowadays striving to implement
visual attractiveness and usability of those techniques to attract a number of potential
customers. In the dissertation under analysis, the global branded venture capitalist named
Virgin Group is analysed in regards to their success of winning competitive uniqueness
through integration with e-commerce strategies. At presently, it has corporate domains in cell
phone, leisure, travel, amusement, and financial retailing.
Rationale for the Research
Although the evolution of e-commerce has originated because of the basic purpose of
venture capitalisation, modern business environment is more complicated with diversified 
customer needs and expectations for which retailers have been pressurized the most, as they
need to consider the customers' interests. Under these circumstances, they have to initialize
several steps, which are used to create different images of their organizations for generating a
greater customer base.
Customers are basically interested in getting various benefits including product mix,
price efficiency, prompt service, well-communicated promotion, bundling package,
information delivery, etc. All those tasks can be well associated by different e- technologies
through developing communication, transaction, distribution channels, improved
customization and business processes, involvement in e-trading, modified structure and level
of specialization, enabling strong connection with the present customers through IT; it also
contributes to new clients making. Another important technique relates to innovations of new
offers, namely, the Internet has become an effective means of accumulating information,
customer identification, and product introduction. Similarly, bundling strategy can also be
used by the multi-retailers to increase an advantage of all offers by gaining customers from
other offers, generation of financial leverage and counteraction of alternative products from
existing and new rivals. Therefore, e-commerce strategies can be effective for creating the
traditional level of customer satisfaction along with meeting both organizational and
individual exchange objectives. The success factors in integrating this idea could be visually
explained by the following figure below.
Figure 1. Success model of information and technological implementation
Research Questions and Objectives
The current dissertation aims at answering the basic research question, which is
"Which e-commerce techniques are the most influential to develop competitive advantage for
acquisition of customer satisfaction for a retailer or multi- service operator?
The answer to this question will enable a marketing manager to implement various
forms of e-commerce tools for corporate non-competitive offerings differentiated by
increasing the customer level of satisfaction.
Thus, there are five research objectives that are established in the paper:
 Identification of the way the e-commerce process works in retail business of multi
product firms as an innovation-driven factor in Virgin UK;
 Identification of the development phases of e-commerce as a strategy of Virgin UK
along with the possible initiatives for further advancement;
 Recognising the shift of e-tailing of multi-product firms towards the practical
development of competitive strategy;
 Measuring the extension of e-commerce process of Virgin UK is in efficiency for
providing competitive advantage from ICT;
 Identification of the development of modern e-commerce application for increasing
of users
organizational capabilities.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
The pote 

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