What Defines Right or Wrong

 What Defines Right or Wrong
Human beings are the most distinct of all living creatures because of one
undistinguishable ability ─ evaluation. On the basis of this one ability, humans have conquered
the impossible. They evaluate their surroundings, like nature, space, earth, and come up with
something mesmerizing. Humans can easily evaluate anything as right or wrong. However, it has
been observed in most cases that they try to suppress their own evaluation and analysis under
their religious beliefs. In line with this, the conscience of a human plays a fundamental role in
defining what is right and what is wrong. Moreover, the human conscience provides selffeedback for any act done by a person; if the feedback is positive, the act done is right, and if the
feedback given by one’s conscience is negative, the act done is wrong.
To believe in something means to follow a specified idea without its evaluation or
analysis, and without any proof to support its appropriateness. Such idea can only be a belief of a
person if it is obtained from a highly credible source, which in most religions is a prophet sent by
God or a trustworthy source like the Holy Books. There are so many religious beliefs and ethical
values spread all over the world and followed by different people. These beliefs and ethical
values subconsciously design the perception and culture of a group of people or a religion. A
member of such group or religion would follow the procedures taught to him or her without
raising any question regarding its aptness.
There are some acts which can be clearly regarded as i 

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