Your topic's description: Importance of corporate social responsibility in organisational marketing case study of British Petroleum (BP)

Your topic: Dissertation
Your topic's description: Importance of corporate social responsibility in organisational marketing case
study of British Petroleum (BP)
Your desired style of citation: APA Referencing
Your educational level: Guaranteed 2:1 Standard
Refrencing Style: APA Referencing
Number of page: 60
Words: 15000
Running Head : Importance of corporate social responsibility in organisational marketing case study of
British Petroleum (BP)
Importance of corporate social responsibility in organisational marketing case study of
British Petroleum (BP)
[Writer Name]
[Institute Name]
I would take this chance to show gratitude for my colleagues, research co-ordinator, and family
and peers, whose relentless and constant encouragement has been a source of continuous
inspiration and guidance.
I [type your full name here], declare that the following research and its entire data has been an
individual, unaided attempt and have not been published or submitted earlier. Additionally, it
shows my views and take on the issue and is does not describe the view of the University.
The driver of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) movement began in the mid-90's hand
international organisations and multi-sectorial groups that have promoted the development of
standards, codes of conduct, guidelines, standards and other tools to facilitate implementation of
CSR by companies. From then until now more and more companies wishing to take full social
responsibility (most honest practices, transparency in management, respect for the environment)
since they are aware that in today's economy. Particularly, in marketing of a company, the
importance of CSR is inevitable because the operating environment of the company becomes
increasingly complex, managers must plan ahead change. The rapid changes can make the
winning strategies of some organisations yesterday, today become obsolete. Businesses today
struggle with the growth of the non-profit marketing, increased global competition, a slow world
economy, the call for greater social responsibility, and a host of other economic, political and
social challenges; challenges also offer marketing opportunities. In oil and gas industry of UK,
British Petroleum BP is one of the real players in the worldwide oil and gas market. It has more
than demonstrated operations of penetrating stores of oil and gas than some other organisation
on the planet and among the main ten organisations regarding demonstrated oil and gas boring.
Hence, the aim of this study is to analyse the importance of corporate social responsibility in
organisational marketing by focusing on a case of British Petroleum (BP).
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................................3
Chapter one: Introduction .......................................................................................................................8
1.1 Background...................................................................................................................................8
1.2 Research Rationale......................................................................................................................10
1.3 Research Aim..............................................................................................................................10
1.4 Research Objectives....................................................................................................................11
1.5 Research question .......................................................................................................................11
1.6 Research Structure ......................................................................................................................11
Chapter two: Literature Review............................................................................................................13
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................13
2.2 The fundamentals of CSR...........................................................................................................14
2.2.1 The contracting part of government.....................................................................................14
2.2.2 Requests for more prominent revelations ............................................................................15
2.2.3 Expanded client interest........... 

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