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The Winch-It Manufacturing Company

Executive Summary The Winch-It Manufacturing Company was founded to fill the market gap for fishing and recreational boating needs of the people of Western Australia in the World War II period. This business venture having been co-founded by two brothers who began as mechanical engineers to meet the mentioned needs since the country was cut off from the world supply of these products. The design is peculiar and functional, attracted the loyalty and new customers like the Navy and other defence departments. This escalated to the establishment of the Winch-It. With the market demands evolving and the dynamic growth of Winch-It, it is necessary to expand the reach of the organization beyond the boundaries of the nation. This venture is a journey which may cripple the whole organization if it not faced with agility and conformity. Therefore, a need for this assessment to give a practical way forward to the exploration of new markets overseas is created.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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Causes Of Stress

Stress is the tension or pressure on the mind when an unwanted condition arises. Stress is known as a situation where one is not happy with the results of the work done. There are many causes of stress, and many things which can cause stress. From household chores to the national and international level, the stress appears on every individual. There are some kinds of stress that appear for a short time, while there are some kinds of stress that prolong for many years upon an individual or upon any company that is called a long term stress or long prevailing stress (Stephens, 2010 p.48).

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 6 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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Philip V. Moore

Philip V. Moore The exclusionary rule, which forbids the use of illegal obtained evidence in trial, has always been a controversial element of the American criminal justice system. Although it is not considered an individual right, the Supreme Court has held that it is a useful tool to deter against the violation of a person’s constitutional rights. In fact, one of the fundamental reasons that the Supreme Court, in Mapp v. Ohio, made for the use of the exclusionary rule was the benefit they saw in deterring police from violating the Fourth Amendments rights of the people against unreasonable searches and seizure. Under this theory, police officers would think twice before initiating an illegal investigation or submitting illegally obtained evidence for fear that it would be found inadmissible at trial.

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Law
Urgency: 5 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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Globalization and Trade

German authority and hesitations have since decided the determination of strategy choices in the EU. There is the inexorably intergovernmental modus methodology of the EU system. Foreign accomplices, for example, the U.S. progressively recognize Berlin as the strategic place in the Euro zone. Concerns about Germany's future remote and security role persevere. The change of political initiative in Berlin was caused by the September 2013. Federal decisions have expanded the interest for investigation of German European, external, and security strategies. Basing on the above notions, it is true that the making of Europe was Germany’s answer to its own making (Cameron et al. 2008).

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 3 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: High School     No. of Sources: 7

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No of pages: 6     Subject Area: accounting
Urgency: 5 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: High School     No. of Sources: 3

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NEGATIVE NET EQUITY Negative equity generally occurs when the value of an asset used to secure a loan falls below the outstanding balance on the loan. From a financial analysis perspective, a firm is said to have a negative net equity when the value of its liabilities is greater than that of its assets. In this case, it is also referred to as negative net worth or insolvency. The definition of net equity is however not straightforward. The latter is calculated by taking into account the subscribed capital, share issue, revaluation variance, reserves, net profit or loss, and statutory provisions and eliminating uncalled subscribed capital and intangible fixed assets (Delbreil et al., 2013, 23). Notwithstanding, the main aim of net equity is to “show the ability of a company to remain solvent, without taking account of assets, which at the time of winding up, might not have realizable value.” (23).

No of pages: 3     Subject Area: accounting
Urgency: 3 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 3

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No of pages: 3     Subject Area: Marketing
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 3

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COST CONTROL PROCESSES Introduction The main aim of the report is to elaborate the cost control process for a construction project. To this end, it will explore the operating cycle, budgets, earned value measurement system and strategies that will be adopted to address a possible cost overrun dilemma. The cost control process will entail cost monitoring, data recording and data analysis, which will in turn enable the management to take corrective action before it is too late (Kerzner, 2013). To achieve this, all the personnel incurring costs in the organization will be involved in the cost control process as opposed to merely involving the personnel in the project office.

No of pages: 2     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: High School     No. of Sources: 4

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DIFFERENCES BETWEEN FINANCIAL REPORTING AND MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING INFORMATION Financial Reporting (FR) involves the analysis and interpretation of financial statements to reveal the financial position of a business over a given period. It helps to determine the overall performance of the organization, its efficiency in resource utilization, solvency and weaknesses (Mitra, 2009, 12). Management Accounting (MA) on the other end of the spectrum entails the “identification measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation, and communication of financial information, which is used by management to plan, evaluate, and control operations within an organization.” (Siegel & Shim, 2006, 81). Consequently, there are several differences between the information provided by FR and MA.

No of pages: 4     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 5 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: High School     No. of Sources: 3

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Discuss the issues raised in the above excerpts.

Discuss the issues raised in the above excerpts. Include your views on the role that the accounting profession can play in the demonstration of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development. Also, identify any problems that the profession may encounter in this process. Accountants might not be the last hope for the world’s ecosystems but they contribute significantly towards their conservation. This is mainly achieved through sustainability reporting, which enables organizations to monitor the impact of their economic activities on the environment. A notable step towards sustainability reporting is the adoption of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which provides a comprehensive sustainability reporting framework that facilitates greater organizational transparency.

No of pages: 3     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 2 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: High School     No. of Sources: 4

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A real estate agency

Question 1 A real estate agency was selling apartments with a view of the sea. The agency assured prospective buyers that the view was protected because the land between the apartment block and the sea was zoned for low-rise development. This was based on information provided by a council officer. However, the council officer was wrong. The zoning was about to change, allowing high-rise development.

No of pages: 3     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 3 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 3

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A CASE ANALYSIS ON GOOGLE’S STRATEGY IN 2010 In a bid to gain sustainable competitive advantage over their rivals, companies have over the years found it necessary to formulate both short-term and long-term strategies to enhance their internal and external capabilities in order to sustain and improve their market position. Michael E. Porter (1980) postulated three general strategies that can be adopted to this end. These include, cost leadership, differentiation and focus strategies. Cost leadership strategies can further be divided into low-cost provider and best cost provider strategies

No of pages: 3     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 3 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: High School     No. of Sources: 4

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Internal and External Factors Analysis of IKEA

. The paper will make an internal and external analysis of the company to reveal its strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as well as its place in the global market. IKEA is a one-stop store satisfying the diverse needs of potential consumers and offering a variety of household and office products. These items have been carefully selected for the customers to be able to make their homes more attractive and comfortable. The consumers have an access to all kinds of products under one roof, and this is intended to improve their buying experiences.

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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This essay is a review of the article “Microsoft's Aggressive New Pricing Strategy”, which was published on July 16, 2009 in BusinessWeek regarding the new strategy that Microsoft has adopted to reduce the prices of its products. Microsoft has a history of gaining the monopolistic power and bringing in deformities into the market. However, with the economic recession there has been a decline in demand for the products of Microsoft, so it took a strategic decision to reduce the prices of its chief revenue earners, such as the Office software and Windows operating system (OS)

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: APA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 3

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Gender Is a Culturally Prescribed Role, Rather Than a Biological Sex Introduction The debates concerning the notions of “sex” and “gender” have been going on over the years. The recent point of view is that gender roles are not universal for everyone, whereas some individuals regard them as fundamental and build their lives according to the rules and standards that society prescribes.

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 5 days     Style: APA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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Evolution and Interpretation of Government Power

Evolution and Interpretation of Government Power Political voting in America has declined today since the level of elite and mass political behavior changed. However, this has not always been the case in American politics. For most of the voters, the physical sense of casting a ballot was the juncture of an extended period of campaign activity. Election Day was a day of excitement during which American voters participated in countless political meetings, parades, and bonfires.

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 6 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Does Hamlet Hate Women?

Does Hamlet Hate Women? The women in Hamlet are depicted as the bearers of rage and insult from Hamlet, the namesake of William Shakespeare’s famous play, which exposes his tragic obeisance to filial duty and his emotional sensitivity. In order to fulfill his father’s many commands, Hamlet denies himself the love of the two closest female characters: Gertrude, his mother, and Ophelia, the woman he loves.

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Running head: HOMELAND SECURITY 1 Homeland Security: Immigration Policy Student Name University HOMELAND SECURITY 2 Outline

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Security
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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