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A Film Review of The Sheik

A Film Review of The Sheik There are a lot of people who can hardly comprehend the beauty and perfection of silent movies that were so popular at the beginning of the 1900s. Nowadays, people prefer to watch actions, admire actors’ appearance, listen to the actors' dialogues, and enjoy special effects being abundant in almost every film. However, there are some silent movies that may also capture one's attention, and the film The Sheik is one of the brightest examples. It was directed by George Melford in 1912 with Rudolph Valentino and Agnes Ayres starring there. The Sheik is the story about love, passion, patience, and other feelings peculiar to the relations between men and women; however, it is wrong to believe that this movie is only about male superiority over women.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Technology
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens The book A Tale of Two Cities was first published in 1859 describing the French revolution that took place in the 18th century. This novel resembles Thomas Carlyle’s book featuring two cities, Paris and London. The tale by Charles Dicken's is about a young seventeenyear-old girl, Lucie Manette, who is brought to Paris by Mr. Jarvis Lorry in search of her father,

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy of Marks and Spencer

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy of Marks and Spencer Stuart Rose, the chief executive of Marks and Spencer, is quite an innovative person. Instead of increasing the market share by taking conventional measures, he has mapped out a new strategy to win the hearts and minds of the customers. He was the initiator of incorporation of corporate social responsibility in the strategic vision of the company. Two years back, the company was announced as the one holding a high rank on the market; CSR implementation was expected to attract more British shoppers. What was initially suggested was a plan A, which included a set of measures that would help to maintain the highest standard of excellence in comparison with other companies that also put in effort corporate social responsibility.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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Language Communication Comparison in Different Countries

Language Communication Comparison in Different Countries Abstract The current paper provides a careful consideration of different communication customs including verbal and non-verbal ones. Non-verbal communication is considered to be more vital in socializing among people, thus, hand, vocal, and facial gestures, personal space, and emotions are supposed to be crucial for interaction among people. The goal of the paper is to trace differences and similarities of the communication traditions and customs in the USA, Japan, and Indonesia, which represent three different mentalities.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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Graduate School Application Essay

Graduate School Application Essay I consider myself a lifelong learner because my educational background includes a degree in Broadcast Journalism with a minor in Communications. I have fully used what I have learned from that course in my internship, and I still keep garnering work experiences in news, film television, commercials, and theatre. I realize how essential education is in the acquisition and development of skills needed in a desired career.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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Student Teachers’ Conceptions of Classroom Control

Student Teachers’ Conceptions of Classroom Control The current study is aimed to explore classroom control and management developed from the position of teachers’ propositional knowledge. The article discloses the principle conceptions of control investigated through classroom management. It highlights the study of student teachers’ classroom approaches directed at identification and development of standard teacher education program.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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Thematic Abundance of Yann Martel's Novel Life of Pi

Thematic Abundance of Yann Martel's Novel Life of Pi The Yann Martel's philosophical novel Life of Pi has become a treasury of human emotions, a colorful tale describing the formation of an adult in a situation of survival. This is a multi-layered story, touching upon a number of philosophical themes, fascinating from the very beginning, and giving the opportunity to reflect on the human nature in its various forms. The novel tells how the basis of an individual's worldview is formed at an early age by various factors, and how in the future, it affects the course of a life.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education Educational theory and practice, as well as the relationships between the two elements, is an issue that has concerned philosophers of education for a long time, notably because of its dualistic essence. The two-faced nature of the field consists of two tendencies: grounding itself in the general discipline of philosophy and trying to encompass educational practice. The collision between theory and practice in the domain of philosophy of education provokes the emergence of a variety of problems, issues, and tasks with further attempts to reconcile the two tendencies to create a holistic approach.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 9

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Training in Wellness

Training in Wellness Introduction Instruction in wellness is the planned communication of health knowledge to employees. Training is much more than a technical exercise to impart knowledge and skill to the worker. It is the point of contact between a worker's need to grow, to feel capable, to be respected for what they can do, and management's need for productivity. If the task bank is present at that point of contact, it can provide a shared interpretation and understanding of what training is required, as well as how and when that training can be best delivered. The organization then makes the investment in training required for worker’s competency. In return, the worker brings the flexibility and willingness to apply these newly acquired competencies to the inevitable problems and challenges on the job.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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Running head: TORNADOES AND HURRICANES People who live along the coastline often face tornadoes and hurricanes. Hurricanes can form over the water, tornadoes form over land. These two types of natural disasters have unique peculiarities. A hurricane is kind of a storm that usually starts in the middle of the ocean. It forms when two winds which are blowing in opposite directions meet. They spin around each other and capture the moist and warm ocean air. While the winds swirl, the water vapor and turns in the air condenses. This way the rain clouds appear and the storm starts. However, it is not an ordinary rainstorm. There’s a couple of distinctive features which make a hurricane differ from other storms. As soon as water vapor condenses into water droplets, heat is released.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 16

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Simple and Effective Ways of Saving Energy

Day Month Year Simple and Effective Ways of Saving Energy The concept of climate change is not new to society. In this respect, the key question is what practical steps can we take to improve the current situation. Luckily, there are many easy and rather effective ways to save energy. Basically, things work as follows. When we use energy, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. This chemical mixture contributes to climate change. If we start using less energy, then less carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere and the climate change will slow down.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 9 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 6

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Why It’s Worth Giving up Smoking

Day Month Year Why It’s Worth Giving up Smoking It’s widely known that smoking leads to a great number of diseases, such as lung cancer and other chronic lung diseases, strokes, and even heart attacks. Despite all the antismoking campaigns, there’s still a great number of chain and heavy smokers all around the world. Imposing laws that prohibit smoking in public places seems to be quite ineffective, in that many people choose to ignore such regulations.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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DESCRIBE THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERNISM IN LITERATURE 2 Modernism is a movement in art, literature, architecture and music that appeared following World War I. It differed greatly from all other styles and tendencies that were accepted in the world of culture during the periods of classicism and romanticism. The movement had strong influences that created the foundation for its development. World War I, as well as a number of revolutions, had a tremendous influence on society, everywhere. These historical events, harsh consequences, and technical progress led to the search for new values and perspectives. Thus, the beginning of the 20th century is viewed as the starting point for the literary movement called 'modernism' (Gay, 2007; Hughes, 2012). It was a new way of thinking and of expressing those thoughts.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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Should Primary School Children Use Mobile Phones and Other Gadgets at School?

Should Primary School Children Use Mobile Phones and Other Gadgets at School? The issue of the use of tech or other gadgets in primary school is controversial. Some observers speak out on behalf of the comfort and liberty of the young generation; others highlight the necessity to follow discipline and regulations. Some people say that cell phones provide a modern teaching tool; others believe that they are nothing more than a serious distraction. It is hard to imagine a person without a mobile phone today. Having this ubiquitous gadget at hand helps us to stay in contact, get and send messages, communicate with our friends, search for needed information and just have fun (Earl, 2012).

No of pages: 13     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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Have Americans Lived up to the Country’s Founding Documents?

Have Americans Lived up to the Country’s Founding Documents? Two major documents on which the United States of America were founded are the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on January 4, 1776 by representatives from the thirteen colonies and the Constitution was drafted on the basis of the Declaration. This document represents the nation’s birth because it granted freedom to the United States from Britain. Additionally, it meant national rights for all citizens of the country.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 6 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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Introduction People from different nations have different cultural perceptions, as well people from different cultures vary in their behaviors. People see situations differently. For example, the Chinese view early arrival to meetings as admiral work ethic, while Africans do not worry that much about being on time as much as they consider attendance. This is just one example of how culture plays a significant role in how people perceive different issues. Cultural differences have to do with individuals, organizations, and nations. In addition, culture influences how managers negotiate and how they make decisions, and this influences dispute resolution capability. Other influential factors include culture being the determinant of an organization’s success, which affects both political and economic issues.

No of pages: 10     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 2

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Have Americans Lived up to the Country’s Founding Documents?

Have Americans Lived up to the Country’s Founding Documents? Two major documents on which the United States of America were founded are the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on January 4, 1776 by representatives from the thirteen colonies and the Constitution was drafted on the basis of the Declaration. This document represents the nation’s birth because it granted freedom to the United States from Britain. Additionally, it meant national rights for all citizens of the country. Fifty-six delegates drafted the Declaration, written on a parchment, and signed it into law.

No of pages: 10     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 8

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Abolitionism The concept of abolitionism is rooted in history. Eisenstark and Weber (2010) relates to slavery and, specifically efforts made toward eliminating slavery, when referring to abolitionism, as abolitionism was a social movement with the aim of eliminating slavery through the enactment of anti-slavery laws. Today, abolitionism exists in the form of many countries having laws that prohibit slavery. Overall, abolitionism relates to the responsibility of leaders to trend toward eliminating slavery by enacting laws that rendered it illegal.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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Film, Freeway, In the Reconstruction of the Little Red Riding Hood Narrative

Film, Freeway, In the Reconstruction of the Little Red Riding Hood Narrative Little Red Riding Hood, is a narrative that can be interpreted with differing narrations, due to the existence of modern readings and adaptations seen over the course of time. The narrative was written during a time when humans perceived wolves as their enemies. To this end, even forests were considered dangerous spots for humans. However, these two aspects about wolves and forests were not seen in film, Freeway. In fact, wolves, which were considered deadly to humans had been replaced by other real, tangible dangers to humans, which were the human themselves in the form of gang members and other criminals. This situation is very practical, unlike the situation presented by the Little Red Riding Hood narrative, in which the wolf considered the main source of danger (Ransom 11).

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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Native American Mascots in Sports

Native American Mascots in Sports In 2001, the United States Commission on Civil Rights commenced a study that informed Americans of deliberate offensive misuses of Native American mascots and cultural symbols. Both public and private enterprises had been committing these offenses. Congress was petitioned in 1968 by the National Congress of American Indians to put a stop to non-Native American sports teams, towns, and media misusing Native American mascots and cultural symbols in ways that belittled or stereotyped American Indian culture

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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