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Poor Academic Performance in High Schools From a small, poor village to the most advanced and developed cities, everyone knows that education is a valuable and essential tool. It can open doors for better opportunities, thus for a better future. Despite the recent and previous global financial crisis, parents and whole communities have tried their best to make sure their children receive appropriate education and training. They wish to provide them with an opportunity to get better jobs in future for better lives. Unfortunately, many students entering University level perform poorly on proficiency tests.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 7

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CASE STUDY IN DEVELOPMENT PSYCHOLOGY 2 Case Study in Development Psychology Social and cognitive development theories, in essence, actually relate to the understanding of health and healthcare. By studying these two theories, it helps to understand the various behavioural changes methods that apply to long-term treatment adherence (Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath, 2008). Later stages of child development are likely to be evidenced by cognitive complexities. They can result in reduced anxiety in the child, as a matter of being able to use information about diagnosis, causation and treatment of their illness (Bandura, 1986). The social and cognitive establishment can be influenced by critical diseases, such as Morag’s

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 9

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Purpose/ Problem Statement In the current health situation, cardiovascular diseases are considered to be the leading cause of death among Canadian women. Two in every three women have one of several significant risks factors for heart diseases. It is quite evident that women are underrepresented in prevention and health studies. Therefore, this study focuses on finding out whether musical therapy is effective in menopausal women suffering from cardiovascular diseases. According to Goodman (2011), issued with the opposite of estrogen and androgen effects on cardiovascular disease uncertainty, it is quite an evidence that androgen predicts a better increase in cardiovascular disease in women over the age of 50 or in their menopause period. With a high level of androgen in women in their menopause period, music therapy has been found to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate, especially in menopause women suffering from coronary heart disease. Benefits associated with music therapy decreases the level of anxiety, heart rate, and blood pressure to women above the age of fifty who are suffering from cardiovascular heart diseases (Goodman, 2011).

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 9

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Features of Hitler’s Leadership Style and Agenda

Features of Hitler’s Leadership Style and Agenda Introduction Adolf Hitler was a former leader of Germany who served as a chancellor between 1933 to1945. During his leadership, the genocide of the Jewish, Romani, and the holocaust occurred. Hitler was a recognized veteran of the First World War; he joined the Nazi Party (formerly known as NSDAP) in 1919. Hitler led a coup in Bavaria that failed and eventually led him to prison. After the imprisonment, he gained a lot of followers through endorsing German nationalism and anti-capitalism. Hitler’s ultimate goal was to create a new order of total Nazi German domination in Europe. To achieve his goal, he developed a foreign policy declaring the objective of seizing living space for Aryan People. Hitler was willing to direct all the national resources towards the achievement of his goal. In return, the United Kingdom and France proclaimed a war against Germany, which further turned into the Second World War.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 9

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The Reproductive System and Its Physiology

Reproduction in humans Reproduction is the method by which humans provide survival of our species. It involves the fusion of 2 gametes, spermatozoan and egg. In human, these gametes are numerous and specific for the male and female (Mueller, Hassel, & Grealy, 2015, p. 3). Reproduction in humans is performed by male and female reproductive systems (Shaw, Luesley, & Monga, 2011, p116). The main organs of the male genital system are testicle and gonads. The female genital system includes vagina, ovaries, and uterus. Main events in human reproduction are the production of sperms and egg, copulation, and fertilization (Kidder, 2016, p.24).

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Nursing
Urgency: 9 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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AIRLINE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Introduction JetBlue Airways Corporation (NASDAQ: JBLU) is an American low-cost airline. The company is headquartered in the Forest Hills neighborhood of the New York City borough of Queens. Its main base is John F. Kennedy International Airport, also in Queens. In 2001, JetBlue began a focus city operation at Long Beach Airport in Long Beach, California, and another at Boston's Logan International Airport, in 2004. It also has focus city operations at Fort Lauderdale – Hollywood International Airport, Orlando International Airport and at Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport in San Juan. The airline mainly serves destinations in the United States, along with flights to the Caribbean, The Bahamas, Bermuda, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Mexico. As of November 19, 2010, JetBlue serves 63 destinations in 22 states (including Puerto Rico), and eleven countries in the Caribbean and Latin America (Barger, 2010). 3

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 8

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Productive Efficiency and In Efficiency of a Production Possibility Frontier (PPF)

Productive Efficiency and In Efficiency of a Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) Introduction The production possibility frontier is also known as the (PPF) in the economics world. It is simply a graph or diagram that does clearly show the production rate of two goods and/or services that an economy does produce efficiently or inefficiently over a given period. It accurately shows the production levels of the maximum to the minimum amounts produced in a uniformly drawn curve. Usually, it is compared to another curve that shows shifts either above or below the original one. This second curve clearly shows the production efficiency or inefficiency under given factors which either favor for or against the production levels of a given economy (Thompson 1985). Identifiable major points are drawn on the graph using two major factors while holding others constant, and then a curve is drawn using several points on the graph (major points). Minor points that are usually within this curve are typically considered to be reachable but not efficient (Christensen, Jorgenson & Lau 1973). Statement

No of pages: 15     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 12 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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In psychology, self-esteem is regarded as an essential part of success. When there are low levels of self-esteem, an individual is likely to face defeat or depression. It can further lead to SELF-ESTEEM: IS THERE A DARK SIDE? 2 bad decisions and failure. On the other hand, when self-esteem is excessively high, one can end up being destructive to others, which can impact their relationships. As such, self-esteem on the extreme ends can cause problems, and thus, the best way is to strike a balance in the middle. Self-esteem can, therefore, be described as an individual's overall sense of personal value or self-worth. Whereas high self-esteem is a good thing that can make people feel powerful or even act as a source of admiration, there is always a dark side which many people fail to appreciate. The dark side is usually revealed when individuals show excessive confidence levels, which can lead them to risky and antisocial behavior that have significant implications on their relationships. High Self-Esteem

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Essay
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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Role of Parents in Teenage Alcoholism

Role of Parents in Teenage Alcoholism BACKGROUND INFORMATION Teenage alcohol abuse is the consumption of alcohol of any amount by youths below the age of 19. It is this gradual alcohol abuse that leads to dependency and addiction which is the onset of alcoholism. The high prevalence of alcohol abuse among teenagers is a cause of concern and a reason to contemplate on the role of the parent in teenage alcoholism. The prevalence of alcohol abuse among teenagers in the United States provides a justification for the research study on the role of parents in teenage alcoholism. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health conducted a survey in 2016 and discovered that more than 7.3 million American adolescents were abusing alcohol. This represented 19 percent of all teenagers in America who engaged in the illegal consumption of alcohol. GENETIC INFLUENCE

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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How Plath's Life Influenced Her Poetry

How Plath's Life Influenced Her Poetry Introduction Sylvia Plath was one of the most celebrated female poets of the 20th century. Her works in literature had been widely spread all over the world by the time she committed suicide at the age of thirty years. She became the first poet in the world to win Posthumous Pulitzer Prize. Plath was a troubled and talented poet who was known by many for her confessional style of writing (Miller 381). While Plath was studying in Newnham, she met Ted Hughes, a poet who also changed her life tremendously. Her father died when she was eight years old, and this situation greatly influenced her life. Plath was affected by a failed marriage, battled with depression, and was influenced by the tragic death of her father which later impacted her writing that has portrayed her as the most cherished and celebrated poet in the world.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Marketing
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 8

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EVIDENCE AGAINST ACER TREE SERVICE 2 It is vital that the varieties of daises are categorized and recognized as well as appropri-ately handled to preserve the veracity of the crucial evidence whereas making sure that important systems are not wrecked in the process. The authenticity of the evidence assembled is essential for determining the eventual outcome of data recovery and criminal cases. When analyzing evi-dence, the lawyers or legal practitioners should utilize the evidence that is available through the proper management and seizure at the scene (Bunting, 2012). Moreover, another equally crucial step is the debriefing procedure. This process is usually neglected when the forensic investiga-tion is being conducted. Debriefing is important in the forensic investigation since it ensures bet-ter efficiency in future investigations. When conducting a forensic investigation, the chief investigator is supposed to present his briefings using a debriefing form. To ensure all the details are addressed, the chief investiga-tor should take a debriefing form and do the following steps:  Write a study title.  Include the name of a person conducting the research and contact information, if perti-nent, for follow-up questions (Garrie & Morrissy, 2014).

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 8

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Marijuana Should be Illegal

Marijuana Should be Illegal Current debates regarding the possibility of marijuana legalization show us that the public is not always aware of all the negative consequences of drug abuse. Though marijuana is considered a mild drug used for recreational purposes it has been associated with a wide spectrum of detrimental effects on one’s health both physical and mental. Aside from the harmful effects on health consumption of marijuana also represents a serious social issue regarding the popularity of the drug among young people. This paper argues that marijuana should remain illegal despite the controversial evidence of its beneficial properties.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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Diseases due to Abnormalities in Lysosomes, Peroxisomes and Mitochondria

Diseases due to Abnormalities in Lysosomes, Peroxisomes and Mitochondria Lysosome storage diseases include several genetically inherited conditions that lead to metabolic abnormalities. These organelles that are found in virtually all animal cells are capable of metabolizing biomolecules of various types (Suzuki, Kunihiko and Marie T. Vanier). Lysosomes have more than 60 enzymes contained within them. A particular manifestation of lysosomes storage disorder depends on and classified by the abnormally accumulated materials. Gaucher’s disease, for example, is caused by a mutation in the GBA gene that leads to abnormal functioning of a beta-glucocerebrosidase enzyme that dissolves glucocerebroside into sugar. In individuals with Gaucher’s disease, the activity of the GBA gene is greatly reduced (Suzuki, Kunihiko and Marie T. Vanier). The lack of enzyme normally stored within lysosomes leads to a dangerous build-up

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Nursing
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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Case Study: Progeria

Case Study: Progeria Progeria is a rare genetic disorder that usually manifests itself during the first years of life and is defined by a set of symptoms that resemble premature aging. The name of the condition derives from the Greek word “pro” meaning something premature and word “geras” meaning old age. Children affected by progeria develop certain changes in facial appearance. Newborns with the condition appear normal with no diagnosable sings. However, within typically a year their speed of growth decelerates, and other symptoms come into force. This paper will describe and explain progeria with emphasis on research on its treatment. The disorder was first observed and described by doctors Jonathan Hutchinson and Hastings Gilford in 1886 in England. The condition was named Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome after the doctors who described it (Ghosh & Zhou 41-46). Since the extremely rare rate of occurrence and lack of scientific data there was no progress in understanding the nature of progeria since the majority of the 20th century. The first round of research on progeria began in the 1990s. The first major discovery regarding the etiology of progeria was made in 2003 when a mutation in genes that were associated with the condition was observed and reported (Eriksson et al. 293-298).

No of pages: 10     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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Case Study: Dell

Case Study: Dell Introduction There are no standard approaches which would help a company achieve a global success and brand recognition. Each business searches for unique strategies and methods, which would suit its marketing objectives and products delivered to a mass consumer. Dell, an American-based technology company, has developed a set of unique methods and tools constantly used in marketing and management for obtaining and sustaining its brand image and excellent service quality. These methods can be described as company’s philosophy and outward manifestations of a basic and important development in marketing and management.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 9

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The Analysis of the Movie 12 Angry Men

The Analysis of the Movie 12 Angry Men Leadership It is important for a leader of a group to recognize and to know how to deal with the various stages of group formation. It is also helpful to recognize the various ineffective roles that might be adopted by individual members of the group either temporarily or throughout the group task. Six general self-roles might come into play during group task work. These include the Aggressor, the Blocker, the Joker, the Avoider, the Self-Confessor, and the Recognition Seeker. Juror 3 is demonstrated as an aggressor to the greatest degree. He continuously attacks his fellow jurors for their opinions regardless of the veracity of their claims and obviously without having first considered their words.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 9

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Financial Analysis of Public Policy

Financial Analysis of Public Policy Introduction It is believed that privatisation would result in greater efficiency, healthier competition and would be more beneficial to the consumer. In the case of British railway service, privatisation was adopted to reduce the burden of the government and to generate more income to the government. This move helped in reducing public sector borrowing, as there were lesser subsidies to be provided to the railways due to privatisation. After the passing of the 1993 Railways Act, British Railways was privatised. The privatisation led to the separation of ownership and control of the railway infrastructure including tracks, signals, and stations. The passenger train operations were separated from the other activities.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 6

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Review of Eugene Linden’s The Winds of Change

Review of Eugene Linden’s The Winds of Change Eugene Linden’s book The Winds of Change: Climate, Weather, and the Destruction of Civilizations offers an interesting overview of the impact of some of the most disastrous historical events on drastic climate change, notifying people about global warming. Eugene Linden, an environmental journalist, prefers to write about the environment, nature, and social issues. "Linden is the winner of numerous journalistic awards and in 2001 was named by Yale as a Poynter Fellow in honor of his work in environmental journalism” (Linden, 2006, p. 20). In his book, Linden explains some paleo-climatic and oceanographic issues and proves that climate change and weather are the main causes for destruction of civilizations throughout centuries. The book is a real achievement and worth one's admiration.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 9 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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Ways of Integrating Social Networks into IBM's Business Information Systems Introduction Companies are frequently looking for sources of competitive advantage that can drive their revenue upwards. One of the possible ways to achieve this is social networking since this phenomenon offers ways of simplifying companies’ business models and at the same time connects them with their stakeholders. The current business environment has changed tremendously. First, organisations are taking on more global dimensions; they are sourcing their raw materials, suppliers, trading partners or other business processes from different parts of the world. Such collaboration creates different needs for businesses. For instance, companies create a scenario in which the concerned parties have to be available twenty-four hours a day; they also increase the need to enhance efficiency, as competition is no longer restricted by areas. In other words, all the challenges and opportunities brought on by globalisation become a reality to most companies. This presents IT stakeholders with unique opportunities to serve these new needs. Changes in Business Collaboration

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 9 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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Virgin Group Analysis

Virgin Group Analysis Nowadays, technology is drastically developing in almost every aspect of business. Ecommerce is not an exception. Moreover, it is recognised as the most modern aspect of the technology influencing organizations that are looking for new customers to expand the competitive marketplace; it helps to draw the customers' attention through customization of their offerings. Additionally, it functions to ensure efficiency and effectiveness via differentiation.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Technology
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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