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LGBT RIGHTS: ON THE USA AND BRAZIL Introduction Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender (LGBT) issues have continuously triggered debates and controversies among various individuals across the globe. The rising concerns leading to the differences in opinions regarding LGBT emanate from the point of perceptions, cultural beliefs, religious values and political basis. Due to the dynamics of not accepting the existence of the LGBT people by some individuals in their communities, the LGBTs have found it hard to express themselves freely and enjoy equal rights just like a regular citizen should (Dolan, 2013). For instance, in the United States, the LGBT patients did not have visitation rights until a directive from the Whitehouse was issued

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: LGBT
Urgency: 3 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 3

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GREEK FINANCIAL CRISIS Greek Financial Crisis Greece’s economy has experienced financial and management crisis since 2009. While concerns concentrate on the sustainability of the country’s debt, the crisis has resulted in the collapse of the Greek economy and adverse effects on the rest of Europe. The nation’s debt level has increased to 170% of GDP, unemployment has tripled to 25%, and the economy contracted to 25%. Despite interventions from other European governments, Greece continues to experience serious economic challenges.

No of pages: 4     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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HOW TECHNOLOGY WILL CHANGE OUR LIVES The present-day civilization indicates that technology plays a central role in shaping the society. Recent advances in technology like the Internet suggest that the society will be even more dependent on technology in the future than today. Trends such as 3D printing, drones, robots and quantum computing also have major implications on the future role of technology in the society

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Technology
Urgency: 4 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Ways of Protecting the Environment

Ways of Protecting the Environment Environment is the essence of life on earth. It is what helps makes the environment sustainable for life. The past is full of incidents that have caused damage to the environment. It surely has to stop. It is for the good of everyone to understand the consequences and manage with what we have accordingly. Surely, depending on the international environmental organizations for the welfare of our Mother Earth is not the only option. We can start small. The concept of using recycled stuff plays a huge role. It is substantially strong to create a difference

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: environmental studies
Urgency: 5 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: High School     No. of Sources: 4

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Outsourcing IT departments has major implications for the companies and the economy of the home country. Parry and Graves(2008) noted that the financial cost factor was the main driver for outsourcing in the last decade of the twentieth century, but companies were increasingly basing their decisions on several factors.

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Technology
Urgency: 6 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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World covered by smoke and disease

World covered by smoke and disease To find why smoking in public places is still not banned in every country in the world, I found many arguments on this topic. There are a huge number of articles, journals and arguments exist, but they lack sufficient judgment to support the cause. For the last few years, some researchers have been trying to indicate the advantages of smoking by their research.

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: environmental studies
Urgency: 5 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: High School     No. of Sources: 4

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Why the Arthurian Legend Is Still Alive Within the Modern World

Why the Arthurian Legend Is Still Alive Within the Modern World The Arthurian legend’s existence in modern society is captured in numerous tomes of the Le Morte d’Arthur. In the very first book the actions of Uther are a typical depiction of the misuse of power exhibited by current leaders and politicians.

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Literature
Urgency: 5 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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CHANGE MANAGEMENT IN POWER UTILITY FIRMS 2 Abstract Business environment is constantly changing due to advances in technology, global financial crisis, shifting consumer tastes and preferences among other factors. Similarly there have been drastic changes in the power utility industry due to technology changes that has brought to the fore green energy, obsolete technology, pressure from activists for power utility firms to produce green energy, rising fuel costs, aging workforce, financial crisis and increased demand for energy worldwide to drive economies.

No of pages: 7     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Rating of Global Beverage Market

Credit Rating of Beverage Industry According to Bouckley (2013), credit rating agencies have revised upward the credit rating outlook for the global beverage industry. The credit rating agencies cite the reason for upward revision of the beverage industry players is due to a rising middle class

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Marketing
Urgency: 5 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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Critical Policy Analysis

Critical Policy Analysis 3 Good policies are pillars to the milestone progress of society. Cokery, Lad and Bossuyt (1995) assert that policy framework plays a critical role in directing the performance of public sector institutions, households, corporations and other economic institutions.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 5 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 3

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Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Learning and Development

Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Learning and Development 2 Introduction: Training, Learning and Development Organizations are operating a rapidly changing environment necessitating for learning and development training among employees. According to McLean (2006), learning and development, training in an organizational setup is different from the traditional training.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Language Training
Urgency: 5 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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Economic Recession

Economic Recession The world economy recently came out of the worst recession since the Great Depression of 1930, albeit some countries in the Euro zone region are still grappling with the vagaries of the economic recession and financial crisis that hit the region from the year 2007-2008.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Economics
Urgency: 5 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 4

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Management Communication and Environment Conservation

Management Communication and Environment Conservation Abstract Companies are part of society and as such should address the challenges that the society faces to ensure social development. Some scholars believe that company’s social development responsibility should override shareholders value

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 6 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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Running head: COACHING AND ENCOURAGEMENT IN SPORTS 1 Effects of Coaching and Encouragement in Enhancing Performance in Sports among Basketball Players

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 6 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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International Human Resource Management

Human Resource Issues as a Cause of Global Financial Crisis The Global Financial Crisis the rocked the world in 2007 through 2009 nearly collapsed the entire global financial system. According to Gunnigle, Lavelle and Monaghan (2013), the Global Financial Crisis started in the United States of America following the burst of the housing bubble in 2007 and through contagion and spillover effects spread to the rest of the world.

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Human Resource
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 7

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ACCOUNTING THEORIES 2 Nine 'nearly broke covenants' over debt deal Summary The management of Nine Entertainment reports that they sealed a deal with Apollo and Oaktree hedge funds rescuing the entertainment firm from breaching a debt covenant earlier agreed with creditors.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: accounting
Urgency: 7 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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Ethical Practices in Apple Inc

Ethical Practices in Apple Inc 2 Introduction Companies should not sacrifice ethics for the sake of profits, instead; ethics should drive business towards profitability. However, due to the competitive business environment, some manager may be tempted to engage in unethical business activities in order to reduce operational expenses and increase revenues resulting in higher margins, hence out pacing their peers in the industry.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Ethics
Urgency: 7 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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Executive Compensation and Agency Problem

Executive Compensation and Agency Problems In most of the publicly traded companies, shareholders do not engage in the day-to-day running of the corporation. Instead, the executive managers and directors do the role of running the corporation on a day-to-day basis.

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Finance
Urgency: 7 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 5

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Air France and KLM Merger

Case Study: Exploring Strategic Alliances, Mergers & Acquisitions – examples from Air-France and KLM in De Wit and Meyer (2010:823-836) Name of student:

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: environmental studies
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 4

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International Human Resource Management

Human Resource Issues as a Cause of Global Financial Crisis The Global Financial Crisis the rocked the world in 2007 through 2009 nearly collapsed the entire global financial system. According to Gunnigle, Lavelle and Monaghan (2013), the Global Financial Crisis started in the United States of America following the burst of the housing bubble in 2007 and through contagion and spillover effects spread to the rest of the world.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Human Resource
Urgency: 6 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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