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Normative Ethics and Intellectual Property: Should Cyber Ethics Education be Based on Utilitarian or Deontological Foundations?

Normative Ethics and Intellectual Property: Should Cyber Ethics Education be Based on Utilitarian or Deontological Foundations? Shana S. Ard ITM 434 Trident University International

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Ethics
Urgency: 6 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 8

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Argumentative Essay - Gay Marriage

Argumentative Essay - Gay Marriage Introduction Since time immemorial, marriage is considered an imperative facet in the society. It is in the marriage institution that a family is created to inculcate moral codes, culture, beliefs and values in the next generation. Traditionally, marriage is defined as the ceremonial union between an adult woman and a man both in love and, has the consent of each other to live as a couple.

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Essay
Urgency: 4 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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The Cost of Being a Responsible Pet Owner

The Cost of Being a Responsible Pet Owner The ownership of a pet(s) is a rewarding and satisfying feature of life since it adds lots of happiness to the owner and his/her home. However, the cost of owning a pet, despite the kind, is getting straining to the owner’s wallet. The cost of being a responsible pet owner in the United States is becoming more expensive during these hard economic times than it was in the earlier years. The veterinary professional field has been trying to make it easier and less challenging to own a pet. This has been through publishing papers and guidelines that aid responsible pet owners in ensuring the cost of taking care of their beloved pets is considerably reduced. The owners use the guidelines to make sure the health of the pet is maintained at the required standard.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 6 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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The Origin of Punk and its Link to High and Low Culture

The origin of Punk There has been a lot of discussion regarding who started punk ever since the first album, first Clash. Depending on whom talks about punk, anarchists treasure the music from the tradition of Manhattan’s East Side urban area and music from trash-laden streets in London. The debate in New York is successfully given in McNeil’s collection between the accounts of velvets, Stooges and MC5 by heartbreakers, and dead boys.

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 6 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age

Abstract Technological advancement coupled with internet accessibility has played a pivotal role in expansion and development of online world. The number of online users has increased tremendously following the introduction of e-commerce, e-banking and other online services. Privacy of private data is an impending issue especially with the high rate at which technology is changing.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Technology
Urgency: 4 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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Discussion Terrorism is a controversial issue in the contemporary society. Based on the perspective of the international community, there is no universally accepted and, legal binding criminal law that fully defines terrorism (Carr, 47). Contrast

No of pages: 7     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 5 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Post gender Marriage and the family

Post gender Marriage and the family Introduction The definition of marriage/wedlock varies according to the different cultures in the world but basically matrimony can be defined as the social union or mostly, the legal union of man and woman. This is a definition that eliminates the recent development in the globe where the partners in a marriage, in some parts of the country and more broadly the world, may not be of the opposite sex. It is logical to disregard the other “types of marriages” in this argumentative critique of the journal since the authors of the article and the research itself only focused on the traditional form of marriage involving a man and a woman.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Gender studies
Urgency: 7 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 3

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Global Warming; an Inconvenient Truth

Global Warming; an Inconvenient Truth

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Global Warming
Urgency: 5 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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Sales Proposal: Apple Inc. and Nordstrom

Executive Summary Apple Inc. is pleased to present Nordstrom with this proposal for the electronic sales collaboration. We understand that Nordstrom has been seeking to open city target stores, which are to attract customers to purchase Nordstrom products. Nordstrom has also been seeking to expand its market share, through an expansion of the target customers, to include younger customers.

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 6 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 9

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Symptoms of posttraumatic disorder

Article 1: Symptoms of posttraumatic disorder in men who sustain intimate partner violence: A study of help seeking and community samples. Previous studies provide significant knowledge on how intimate partner violence (IPV) influences to a large extent development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD) in married women. However, no study has been conducted to examine whether a similar relationship does prevail among married men.

No of pages: 15     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 9 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Topic: Design Brief

Design Brief My talent, skill and the job that I enjoy doing is that of an interior designer. I like to look at designing as a way of expressing my life and the lives of other people. Using elegant designs, people have created beautiful houses, designed bedrooms for their rest, bars for their relaxation and cities with spectacular landmark buildings as a way of expressing themselves. Due to the observation of the people’s appreciation for architectural beauty, I choose the career of an interior designer to create happiness in their lives.

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Essay
Urgency: 5 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 9

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Fear of crime

Introduction Fear of crime is a frequent issue these days. Many people in modern community show stress and fear about criminal activity and about being offended. The level of fear that an individual maintains relies on many aspects, such as sex, age, any past encounters with criminal activity that an individual may have, where an individual resides, and race. All of these aspects have an effect on fear levels. Media portrayal of crime and public fear

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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The Gun Violence in United States

The Gun Violence in United States

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 7

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The influence of culture on body image and appearance

The influence of culture on body image and appearance There are many communities living in different parts of the world. Every community is endowed with its own cultural values, beliefs, customs, rituals and moral codes distinct from other tribes. Culture is simply defined as the peoples’ way of life. Culture is tremendously crucial in the survival and development of any given community because it is within the facet of culture that societal values, moral codes and belief are inculcated on children.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Moral Development and Education in Relation to Huckleberry Finn

Moral Development and Education in Relation to Huckleberry Finn Morality is a term used to refer to a system of values principles, beliefs and code of conduct, which governs human interactions within a community setting. Morality is a system that enables individual to determine the right thing to do in different situations. According to Robert Coles, who is a respected scholar in the field of the inner working of children, the moral lives of children is developed during their infant years as they learn about the good and the profane (Killen, Melanie and Smentana 2).

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Education
Urgency: 7 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 6

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Poverty' the reasons for rising gap between rich and poor of the world'

Poverty' the reasons for rising gap between rich and poor of the world' Name Class Affiliation

No of pages: 9     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 6 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 8

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Research proposal on smoking cessation

Topic: Research proposal on smoking cessation Introduction The issue of smoking has been considered one of the many challenges affecting both the developed and developing nations. It has been ranked one of the propounding challenges affecting the economic development of countries in the 21st century (Andy et al. 10). Smoking as behaviour can be practised by people of all ages and different walks of life. However, the reason as to why it has raised international concern is the increase in number of young people engaging in smoking behaviour across the globe. Statistics indicate that smoking behaviour is prevalent among the youth who account for more than 60% of most countries population. It has been affirmed that 90% of the youths are below the age of 25 years.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 8 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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Combating Online Piracy

Combating Online Piracy The term piracy has been in existence way before the invention of the internet. When we talk about online piracy we refer to that illegal act of copying materials on the internet that are copyrighted. This term originally refers to people in high seas who used to plunder ships but came to be used in such a context by Daniel Defoe who referred to people who were illegally copying his book in 1703 (Reilly 33). There are three main types of online piracies, which include; software piracy, movie piracy, and music piracy

No of pages: 8     Subject Area: Technology
Urgency: 7 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 5

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Privacy and Facebook

Privacy and Facebook Advancement in science and technology plays a pivotal role in facilitating communication process among the people especially through social networking sites. Facebook is one of the social networking sites with the highest number of users worldwide. It creates a social platform where users can share, exchange information, opinions and ideas with other people worldwide.

No of pages: 14     Subject Area: Technology
Urgency: 4 days     Style: Other
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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