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An analysis of trends in the market research techniques used by Starbucks UK in the past 5 years for the Coffee Industry in the UK Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background of the study As per the research on the consumer markets in UK greatest potential for growth opportunity in the organized retail sector is in the food and beverage sector. It's projected that food and beverage retailing will grow at 9.2 percent over the next five years against a total GDP growth rate of around 7 percent. An important factor to be considered is the changing pattern of spending by the British consumer. There is growth in the disposable incomes and as a result the markets are changing fast and are leading to more urbanization kind of lifestyles. UK as a market is more relevant because of the demographic advantage it has over other economies. As a result here young working populations drive personal consumption. The rise in coffee drinking is pan of the transition to more branded consumption in UK and is led by the growth of branded coffee chains such as Starbucks.

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 7 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Kantianism The Kantian approach is a type of deontological moral theory that seeks to determine a systematic method of how morality is formed and, at the same time, explains how different human actions can be evaluated or judged based on their moral legitimacy (Wood 1). According to Kant, morality should be premised on reason. The philosopher argues that for an act to be considered ethical, the act in question has to be perfectly rational. Moreover, Kant also posits that the most rational behavior is typically the most ethical one. The other argument that Kant advanced in the realm of ethics was that involving the categorical imperative. In particular, the philosopher contends that behaving in accordance with moral standards is an issue of obligation and that there is no exception for moral behavior. Therefore, Kant's categorical imperative promotes the view that regardless of the consequences of a behavior or action, people should and must always do what is right. In brief, Kant's imperative specifies the importance of the decision as opposed to the consequences. The focus of this discussion is to argue that Kantian's perspective on ethics is not sufficiently persuasive and that scholars should not rely on the Kantianism to rationalize what constitutes ethical behavior.

No of pages: 3     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 5 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 5

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Today’s West Africa is an Atlantic region that unites several states freed from colonialism with their own historical, cultural, religious, social, and economic peculiarities. The African continent was the arena of fierce competitive clashes between the leading world powers since the Middle Ages. The struggle for African territories exacerbated in the late 19th century due to the imperial ambitions of European countries, their need for the expansion of raw material production sites for industrial development, new markets, and capital export. The collapse of the British and French colonial empires made former colonies in West Africa politically independent but gave the rise to various socio-political and economic problems. African decolonization led to the formation of states recognized by the international community and caused numerous tribalism-oriented movements that demanded revision of the colonial borders. Current socio-political trends in such countries as Benin, Senegal, Togo, Nigeria, and Ghana are inextricably linked with their colonial past. Since African countries and their economies are integral components of the contemporary globalized world, a comprehensive and thorough study of impacts of the colonialization on West Africa will contribute to mutually beneficial cooperation between different nations.

No of pages: 4     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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Internship Cover Letter

Internship Cover Letter

No of pages: 3     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 3

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Consumer Case Study Essay

Consumer Case Study Essay Introduction Colorectal cancer has been established to be the second most prevalent variant of the disease in Australia, with treatment mainly involving screening, surgical resection, and adjuvant therapy. However, an estimated 30 to 50% of patients who have been treated for the disease are likely to develop recurrent infections within the first five years after recovery (Arnold et al., 2017, p.684). The primary objective of this case study will be to create a survivorship care plan for managing John’s condition, which incorporates the follow-up regimen, colorectal cancer recurrence symptoms analysis, plans to improve survival, and evidence-based communication strategies to enhance patients’ literacy on the issue.

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 4

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Introduction to Packet Capture and Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems

Introduction to Packet Capture and Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems Malicious Network Activity Report Introduction Information technology has evolved into one of the critical aspects of the modern organizational structure. Today, enterprises use different systems and techniques to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of workers (Hassan, Ahsan, & Rahman, 2012). In addition, the networks have enhanced different processes and actions that contribute to the meeting of the specific needs of customers. However, there is a wide range of risks that are associated with the use of technology including an cyber attacks and misuse of employees. In some instances, workers access the internet for purposes not related to work using the existing organization’s workstation.

No of pages: 4     Subject Area: Technology
Urgency: 3 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Diagnosis and Feedback at Adhikar

Diagnosis and Feedback at Adhikar Case Analysis Form – Ivey Background Information or Synopsis ✔ Select the most relevant facts from the case which have a direct bearing on the issue at hand: It appears that Adhikar was a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded and headed by the same person for a very long period. All the main leadership functions have been performed by Rajan Mishra, the establisher of the organization.Later, the investigation performed by the Organizational Development (OD) Practitioner showed that Rajan Mishra had no intention or willingness to delegate the decision-making and problem-solving responsibilities to his followers. This policyresulted in the absence of a strong leader when Mishra got appointed for a governmental post

No of pages: 3     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 3

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The Influence of Stereotype Threat on E-Learning Tools Users among ESL Students

The Influence of Stereotype Threat on E-Learning Tools Users among ESL Students Research Objective The primary goal of the present research paper is to explore the influence of stereotype threat on the communication skills of non-native accented speakers in the institutions of higher education. Therefore, the findings of the current investigation will fill the gap in the existing konowledge base on the topic and study the peculiarities of interactions between non-native and native English speakers

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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The Impact of Temperature Change on the Aggressive Behaviours of Siamese Fighting Fish

The Impact of Temperature Change on the Aggressive Behaviours of Siamese Fighting Fish Research Proposal INTRODUCTION Multiple studies have demonstrated that temperature, as one of the major abiotic factors in aquatic ecosystems, has a significant effect on respiration, energy budgets, locomotion performance, growth, and behavior of aquatic ectothermic species.1 The researchers further point out that the investigation also shows that fish, as a dominant group of the ectothermic animals, characteristically experiences a broad range of temperatures across days and nights. Since the temperature has a considerable direct influence on the metabolic rates of fish, including the rest of the animals that have been categorized as ectotherms, there is a high chance for it to have large effects on their physiology and behavior.2 For instance, annual increases in temperature may result in rises in both activity and risk-taking in fish, which in turn has a correlation with elevated predation mortality.

No of pages: 12     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 5 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Impact of the Fourth Amendment on Law Enforcement, Policy, and Regulations

Impact of the Fourth Amendment on Law Enforcement, Policy, and Regulations Author Introduction The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the every individual is free from unreasonable government seizures and searches and presents a quandary for the society. It embodies among other things, every person’s right to retreat into their own home and they be free from government’s unreasonable intrusion. The Fourth Amendment makes a reflection about use of excess police force. Perhaps even more than the any other provisions of the Bill of Rights, it makes it plain that the Constitution does not tolerate the tactics of a police state (Maclin, 1993). The protections that the Fourth Amendment enforces are unquestionably fundamental. For some, the Fourth Amendment handcuff the police in their never ending battles of bringing criminals to justice. Additionally, many people believe that because of the amendment, dangerous criminals are released because the police failed to follow its technical provisions. Impacts

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Law
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Crisis Response plan: Group Crisis Intervention

Crisis Response plan: Group Crisis Intervention APA Research Paper When children and adolescents experience crises, it is essential to undergo group crisis counseling to meet their mental health needs. Group crisis counseling helps both the children and parents to minimize the stress of the event. It also provides emotional support to those affected and permits them to improve their coping strategies. Different theoretical perspectives will be utilized to address the relevant issues. Some applicable aspects will include integrative, behavioral, and psychodynamic theories. This study, however, will focus on cognitive theoretical perspectives.

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Data Protection and Security

Education and training One of the most frequent cases of data breaches is employee error, and not only those in the IT department. Almost half of the instances of data breaches are due to human errors (Lewis, 2017). The types of information that is breached are not only the credit card numbers, medical information of the patients and the social security numbers. The breaches also include the valuable trade information about trade secrets, proprietary information, financial or privileged data which belongs to employees and customers, and the internal communications about the company. Every misstep can lead to serious consequences such as not locking a door,

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Data security
Urgency: 3 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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ORAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT AND REVIEW Why this guidance has been developed Following the earlier surgical (or extractive) era, there has been a restorative approach to the provision of dental care in primary practice, with a focus on the assessment of carious cavities in teeth and less emphasis on initial caries, the assessment of periodontal tissue and the overall oral health of the patient. A standard recall interval of 6 months has been advocated for all patients, regardless of the status of the patient’s oral health. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that there are wide variations between patients in their susceptibility to disease, the likelihood of early disease progressing and the speed of disease progression, if it occurs. A ‘one-size’ fits all approach is therefore not adequate to meet the needs of every patient.

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 3 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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TECHNICAL REPORT: PROSTHETIC MANUFACTURE Assignment Sample Abstract This study has been conducted on the subject of prosthetics. The dental prosthetics or denture and various aspects about it have been selected. In the introductory section, the basic concepts and types of dentures have been stated. After that, the different aspects and the over view of partial denture have been discussed. The types of the partial denture along with the concept of bridge have also been included within this section. In the next part of the report, the indication and contraindications along with the use of different types of flanges have been discussed. The type of flange suitable for partial, complete and single tooth denture has been separately stated. The chromium cobalt denture has been discussed along with its advantage and disadvantages. The structure of the complete denture and the factors influencing g the structure has widely discussed. On the other hand, the different factors like physical, mechanical, physiological which are affecting the stability and retention of the denture has been discussed. Lastly all the findings have been represented shortly in the conclusion. Table of content

No of pages: 5     Subject Area: Nursing
Urgency: 6 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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FEASIBILITY REPORT (EXPORT INCENTIVES) Assignment Sample Executive Summary The feasibility report has been done in the export incentives that an exporter doing business in the jewellery industry would earn from trading with other countries. The focus has been given on how the initiatives by the Government of India of the jewellery industry can improve the industry as a whole. Financial projection has also been made which shows the overall profit earned by the jewellery industry from the trade with the foreign countries. A project schedule and 5-year financial projections have been presented.

No of pages: 7     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 5

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Organisational structure is the basis and critical factor in making any internal and external environmental decisions , and the businesses function depending on the same. In this report attempt is made to study the different groups of the business organisations, their appropriate organizations and their functional interrelations. It also further presents a study on how an organisation’s macro economic environment has an influence on the business decisions and roles. The example taken to present the study in the report is of McDonald’s and its current organisational environment using PESTEL analysis to comprehend the external factors for the business and further detailed factors of the industry that may influence business processes and the decision made considering them.

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 6

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Clinical governance standard:

Clinical governance standard: As per this standard, leaders of healthcare have responsibility to govern and be a part of continuous improvement. As per standard 1.6 (a) of Governance, leadership and culture, clinical professionals must understand their duties and responsibilities. Moreover, they must add to the role of providing quality care to the care seekers. Moreover, as per standard 1.8 of Measurement and quality improvement, safety,

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Managing financial resources in Health and social care

Health Care According to WHO, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.” It has been always important for the people to be generally, physically and mentally fit in order to provide and also enjoy economical and social benefits. As falling sick or getting hurt is very uncertain to the people, therefore, interpolation of health care became a necessary evil to assist people with such uncertainties in their lives. Health care as a matter of course is regarded as an essential foundation in promoting over-all well being of the people involving their mental health and physical health all around the globe (Wheeler and Grice, 2000).

No of pages: 7     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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Operation Management

Operation Management Executive Summary: Current report examines the operation administration process with the assistance of item outline process from beginning to appropriation. The report reveals insight into the foundation of “Benetton, H&M and Zara ", its item outline, promoting procedure, execution administration, venture arrangement and other related points of interest. The report reveals insight into the extent of this business. The creator has clarified in detail the dispatch of item, creation costs, creation time, expenses, and store network administration, advertising and execution examination.

No of pages: 6     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 4 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: University     No. of Sources: 4

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Business Economics

Business Economics Introduction: After globalisation the level of competition has significantly increased among the business units in each and every industry. In present economic scenario there has been stiff competition that is seen in each and every sector in the market. After globalisation, various business units have to compete with not only the local competitors but the global competitors as well. Thus it is very important that the business units establish competitive advantage in the market and they also achieve their core competencies for attracting the consumers and attaining higher market share in the industry. There are several factors that can significantly affect the business units in every industry. The business units have to take into consideration all these factors for implementing effective strategy in the market.

No of pages: 4     Subject Area: Management
Urgency: 5 days     Style: MLA
Academic Level: College     No. of Sources: 4

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